Lose Weight Easily and Permanently Without Starving Yourself

starving yourself to lose weight

Lose Weight Easily and Permanently Without Starving Yourself

You ever started a diet but lost the incentive to carry on for the long haul? Happens a lot. For most people the best initial intentions in the world aren’t enough when they are faced with the stark reality that their diets give them. They just get hungry or crave the foods that piled the pounds on in the first place.

For a lot of us it is the food that we eat that causes the problems we have with our weight. We eat TV dinners and junk food and snack on candy, chips and cookies. What we give our body is a range of additives, sugar, salt and foodstuffs that don’t do it any good. They simply make it produce fat and the pounds just keep coming on and on and on…

So , one day you get to the stage where you say enough is enough. You decide to cut out the bad food and eat healthily. And what does your body do? It fights back of course! You’ve given it a diet rich in the wrong substances for a long, long time and it has become dependent on them. Take them away and your body fights back… it will simply send you all the wrong messages via a series of cravings that just won’t be satiated with a salad or a healthy home cooked meal. Your body wants that other stuff, the stuff its been getting for years and years.

The fact is that diets can seem hard simply because our bodies will initially rebel if they are not given the fuel that they are used to. And, psychologically your mind will also have a part to play here, telling you that what you actually want to eat is the food your body craves and not the food you ought to be having.

And when the cravings kick in hard and fast a lot of dieters just give up and go back to their old eating habits. This can simply feel easier for them than having to struggle to change their eating habits once and for all. Their bodies will then settle down and they will also get a psychological boost by reverting to their old habits. So everyone’s happy… right?

The cravings may be gone because they’ll be satisfying them again but the weight will come back again too… often in even greater amounts!

The fact is though that you can make this easier on yourself. Instead of taking such extreme measures that make your body crave particular foods you need to look at a diet that will stop you from feeling hungry and that will encourage your body to actually lose weight easily and permanently. This will probably involve making sure that you eat the right foods at the right times in the right amounts so that your body does what it is supposed to — burn off calories and convert the food you eat to energy instead of parking it permanently on your thighs.

If you want some helpful suggestions then take a look at some of the solutions suggested at http://ift.tt/13g2Nrc The ideas presented there might just help get your body working to lose weight fast for you and lessen your cravings during the process!

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