Lose Weight by Connecting With Your Body

body wraps to lose weight

Lose Weight by Connecting With Your Body

If you are a professional you probably live most of the time in your head. You dash about analysing, discussing, deciding and thinking. You grab a bar of chocolate here or a bag of crisps there, don’t stop for lunch unless it’s big business lunch. This means you either don’t have enough or you overeat and have too many unhealthy snacks and meals. It doesn’t have to be this way. You can change your mind and stop being overweight once and for all. What do you have to do to achieve the weight you always wanted and be healthy too?

Your body can communicate in ways which your head may not. It can be very helpful or useful to notice what happens to your body. What is your overweight body saying to you? Stop for a moment and ask it what it wants, beyond the food you stuff into it. What does it (and therefore you), really want?

Are you tense, relaxed, excited, sad? Yes these are emotions which you may not have thought come from your body as much if not more than from your head. When you feel sad, for example , your body posture will change. So it’s important to connect to these changes. Do you eat in order to push those feelings away? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to find a way to address your mind and so help your body lose some of its excess weight?

It’s important to discover not only what your body is crying our for but also which bit of your body is doing the crying. Where are areas of tension in your body, especially when something you are overwhelmed with a desire to eat too much? If you can become aware firstly of the tension then ask yourself what happened just before you felt that tension?

As you notice these things you can become more aware of the way your mind and body are interconnected, your body is telling you something.

When you connect with your body you begin to listen to those voices. If you can’t hear anything yet then take a few minutes to sit quietly with your eyes closed and scan though your body from head to feet, noticing as you go if any area feels tense.

When you find such and area ask it, (yes, really! ) what it wants to say to you, then listen to the first thought which comes into your head.

Write it in your journal and think about what you’ve written. Over-eating unhealthy food is not the answer. You can change your mindset and become the weight you always dreamed of.

Susan Kersley is a retired doctor who became a Life Coach. There’s a free report about changing your mind to change your weight on her website: http://ift.tt/1fdYAx6

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