Fat Thighs – Lose the Excuses, Lose the Weight

Fat Thighs – Lose the Excuses, Lose the Weight

It is incredible the lengths some people will go to avoid having to confront the problem of their fat thighs.

“I’ll do it tomorrow. "

“But I had to use this ice cream that was sitting in the bottom of the freezer for the last six months to make some room. "

“The gym is 2 miles down the road and I don’t want to use the car. "

“I swear that chocolate brownie was talking to me! "

But even worse than the excuses themselves is the avoidance of confronting the excuses. As long as the excuses exist, fat thighs, flabby tummies and big butts will always be the order of the day.

Confronting your excuses can be one of the best ways of starting any exercise or diet program. A well structured diet program or exercise course of any type can give you the tools, techniques and guidance to enable you to lose the pounds and remove the fat. Thighs will thank you, stomach’s will sing your praises, not to mention the gratitude that you will receive from your heart, which now has to work an awful lot less to keep you alive.

That’s not to mention the gratitude you will get from any partner you might have, if you know what I mean!

However all of these diets, exercises and other tools are completely useless without a mental attitude that will allow them to be used to the highest level. Because, after all, it is our mind that commands our body to do the exercise, and it is our mind that interprets the instructions on the diet to tell us what we should be eating for the best results. That small amount of flesh that sits at the top of our body controls everything we do including our weight.

For this reason, it is very important that we use our brains when it comes to our health. I’m not necessarily talking about a positive attitude, which of course does have a place in exercise, in dieting and any area of life where you want to achieve great results. But using your mind to confront your excuses and your attitudes about your attitudes can be a very revealing experience.

Take for instance:

“I’ll do it tomorrow/next week/next month/after I get back from holiday. "

These are all indicators of procrastination and an attitude of avoidance (NB: I love that word -Avoid and Dance, painting a picture of what many of us do).

Without dealing with this attitude in the first place, it may be difficult to stick to any exercise program or diet. This is not an excuse to further avoid and put off the things that you think you should do, but rather to seek help in working to change that attitude.

An easy starter on this is to make some small commitment to complete one or two small tasks each day.

It doesn’t matter what the tasks are. It could be doing some ironing. Answering an e-mail. Making a phone call to someone.

Again, it doesn’t matter what it is. What matters is that you have made a very small commitment to yourself and you have kept it. Frequently doing this will build up a relationship with your unconscious mind where you know you can keep your promises to yourself.

And this is invaluable in terms of attitude, not just for treating fat thighs and weight loss, but for enhancing your entire life.

Give it a go. Just don’t promise to eat more food!

Strategies like this are really useful, and can definitely help you in your weight loss endeavors. But the best approach is to see the complete picture so you can feel good about your body. To check out our site, click this link: http://ift.tt/1WZSQsW right now!

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