Lose Body Fat Naturally

Lose Body Fat Naturally

Can I naturally lose body fat? Is it possible? You bet! There are a multitude of techniques available for you to lose body fat naturally. The following research has been done for you. Now, you can reap the benefits of my hard work. Not a bad deal, huh?

A great way to naturally burn fat is good old fashioned exercise. Now, I am not talking about a grueling 3 hour ordeal in which you find yourself gasping for breath and about to collapse. No, I am actually thinking more along the lines of a get to it and get it done approach. How can this be accomplished? Follow me…

March in place by bringing your knees as close as you can to your chest as possible. Swing your arms at the same time. Do this for 3 minutes.
Place your feet approximately 6 inches apart and squat down as if about to sit on a chair. Keep your arms parallel to the floor to help with balance. Start with 5 or 10 squats depending on your fitness level.
Place your hands against the wall with your feet together. Start at 1/2 feet away from the wall. Bring your chest to the wall like you are doing a push up. If you would like, stand further away from the wall for a more intense exercise. Do 10 of these.
Jumping jacks are next. Do as many as you feel comfortable with. Never push yourself, just get your heart rate going a little and you are burning fat.
Place feet 6 inches apart with your hands out parallel to the floor. Twist at the waist slowly keeping your stomach muscles tight.
Stretch your body by putting your hands in the air above your head and standing on your tip toes. Reach for the sky.

Remember to drink some water before your workout and after. Never hold your breath when doing any exercise. Instead breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth steadily. Give yourself a big pat on the back, you did it, you lost body fat! Combine these exercises with a healthy diet and you will find yourself stronger and leaner in no time.

Losing body fat is the only way to maintain a lower, healthier weight. I have found a way to lose 2 lbs. of fat a week.

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