Lose a Fat Belly With These Supplements

supplements to lose weight

Lose a Fat Belly With These Supplements

You may have heard about “good bacteria" already and wondered what all the fuss was about. If you would like to lose a fat belly then listen up. Some strains of these probiotics, a part of the normal digestive system, have been tied to improvements in conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and diarrhea, as well as being linked to claims of stronger immunity.

Now researchers from the University of Turku in Finland have found that these helpful little organisms may also work to keep dangerous and unsightly belly fat under control after pregnancy. The work involved 256 pregnant women who were split into three groups during their first trimester of pregnancy. All were weighed at the start of the study.

Two of the groups got dietary counseling that followed doctor’s recommendations for healthy weight gain and a healthy baby, and were sent home with foods like salad dressings and spreads that had monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. They were also given fiber enriched pasta and cereal.

Beyond diet counseling and sample foods, one of these two groups was also given capsules they were to take each day that contained lactobacillus and bifidobacterium, the most common probiotics. The other diet-counseling group was given placebo capsules. The last of the three groups of women was given placebo capsules and no diet counseling and no food. The women were then weighed 12 months after they’d delivered. This assessment included measurements of each subject’s waist and skin fold thickness.

In the group who were given probiotics and advice on what to eat, only 25% had a body mass index of 30 (or more), and a waist measurement over 80 cm (31. 5 inches). The group who only got dietary counseling didn’t do as well, obesity was noted in 43% of these women, and in 40% of the women in the third group, who got neither probiotics nor any advice on what to eat.

The average body fat percentage in the probiotic group was 28% – it was 29% for the diet advice only group, 30% in the no help group.

“The women who got the probiotics fared best, " explains Kirsi Laitinen, a nutritionist and senior lecturer at Turku. “One year after childbirth, they had the lowest levels of central obesity as well as the lowest body fat percentage. "

Experts are quick to point out that excess weight is a major risk factor for lots of unpleasant, life changing diseases like diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer. With obesity rates around the globe rising, this gathering offers an unique European forum for sharing new research. Before you decide to try probiotics for yourself there are some things you need to understand.

Don’t begin any program without talking to your own doctor, as there are conditions where even good bacteria may be harmful to you. You also need to do some homework on probiotics and the amount you need varies from strain to strain, and is also related to the condition you’re trying to manage. Just like bad bacteria, different strains of probiotics do different things.

When shopping for these items be sure to look past the attractive packaging for the details you need (naming to include genus, species and strain) and how much of the probiotic you get in each serving. Looking at probiotic research involving your particular ailment or goal will give you a solid sense of how much of these organisms you need to take in.

And while food sources are the most natural, and therefore have an advantage, supplements are convenient ways to get a variety of helpful organisms and can deliver higher levels of good bacteria than you could get otherwise, all helpful for getting rid of a fat belly.

Next just head on over to the Daily Health Bulletin for more simple hints and tips on the easy way to lose a fat belly fast, plus get 5 free fantastic health reports.

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