Learn to lose weight

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Learn to lose weight

When our heart rate, oxygen uptake enough to burn fat is only truly effective.
The definition of aerobic exercise is more than 30 minutes to benefit your heart beats faster, and the oxygen absorption is adequate movement.
So , like riding a bike, Rush, swimming, boating is aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise helps to burn fat, activate metabolism, cells, muscles are bathed in plenty of oxygen in delight.
As for the sweat thing, but the physical relationship.
Some people sit and sweat, and some people may exercise, only a few drops of sweat a bit of embellishment, but it has no connection and fat-burning.
Therefore , the flow of sweat and fat burning does not matter. However , physically normal, 30 minute rapid heart beat movement, should be more flow and sweat.
Unless you ride a golf cart, otherwise you have to walk on foot; golf to be very careful, cautious, have a plan. But Golf is not an aerobic exercise. This stop-and-go test of thinking, and precision of movement, does not help burn fat.
The barbell on the back of the neck, legs open, toes slightly inside the buckle or the outside to write. Shrink muscles of the leg as much as possible, so that the heel maximize, the gastronomies’ thoroughly tightened, and lifting the heel is aspirated. Static for a second and then put down the heel, exhale. Could be repeated.
Muscle training and aerobic exercise, which is more important?
If you want to strengthen the heart and lung function, then just lifting weights, dumbbell is what use is it?
If it is let the body parts to get more oxygen to about 10 minutes of aerobic exercise, the effect will be even better. If you want to burn fat through movement, the purpose to achieve weight-loss, to muscle movement, oxygen absorption is indispensable.
The so-called aerobic exercise, which is in motion at the same time, maintain full breath, cause the body to oxygen off. Common aerobic exercise to lose weight walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, etc .
Lipid in our blood, if be in turn into body fat before, and combined with the oxygen burn adequately, can avoid to cause obesity. If have transformed the adult fat, it will be in the next blood lipid when burning again.
And effectiveness of aerobic exercise is, in the campaign call in more oxygen, so that the blood lipid and body fat rather than in combination, accelerate the burning effect. So , let the fat burning and more efficient, it is necessary to inhale more oxygen. But if in athletic process, not keep smooth breathing, some people don’t even consciously hold your breath, right now continue movement cannot let fat burning up.

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