Learn How to Drop 2 Pant Sizes in 1 Month Without Crazy Cardio

Learn How to Drop 2 Pant Sizes in 1 Month Without Crazy Cardio

I know the title seems pretty bold and you probably don’t believe me. That’s fine, stop reading and click away. You obviously are not that serious about losing weight. But if you are, then I am going to show you some simple tricks and tips you can do right away to lose pant sizes without any effort at all. They are basic, but work extremely well and all of my clients have had great success with them.

Tip 1: Eat 5 to 6 small meals a day. A small meal can consist of an egg white omelet with fresh veggies. By eating small meals throughout the day, you are keeping your metabolism revved up so it’s never sluggish. Think of it as stoking the fire to keep it hot. By doing so, you will be burning more calories during the day as compared to eating 3 large meals of the same caloric content.

Tip 2: Start eating more veggies in each meal. By eating more veggies, you are giving your body plenty of nutrients to sustain life and work efficiently. They also provide potent anti cancer fighters called phytonutrients and tons of fiber. Fiber helps to keep you full and satiated throughout the day.

Tip 3: Consume 10 grams a day of fish oil. Fish oil has been found to be a miracle supplement. It has been shown to decrease cardiovascular disease, increase brain function, improve blood pressure, cholesterol, and even decrease body fat. Aim for 10 grams a day from capsules, the oil, or you can consume the whole fish such as salmon, herring, or mackerel.

Tip 4: Cut out all carbs the last half of the day. By cutting out the carbs the last half of your day, you are decreasing the change that they will be turned into body fat. As the day goes on, the body becomes more insulin in-sensitive. It’s most sensitive in the morning and first half of the day so that is when you should consume more of your carbohydrates. Carbs are the enemy to gaining weight. If you consume too much and stay inactive, they will easily be turned into body fat.

Tip 5: Consume protein in every meal. Protein has been found to be highly thermogenic than carbs or fat. This means that when you ingest protein, your body has to work harder to break it down. So it actually burns more calories. Protein also helps you re build muscle tissue which is important if your exercising a lot to lose the weight.

These are my simple, but effective recommendations when it comes to losing weight right away. I put all of my clients on this type of diet and they have wonderful results. Try it for yourself. You won’t be disappointed.

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