Loose Weight And Gain Muscle – Increase Metabolism, Lean Muscle Mass, and Lose Weight

Loose Weight And Gain Muscle – Increase Metabolism, Lean Muscle Mass, and Lose Weight

Loose Weight And Gain Muscle

Do you want to build strength, get fitter, and lose weight? Working out alone isn’t the answer. You can’t boost metabolism based on exercising alone. To become healthier, you also have to take into account your diet. Protein drinks can help build lean muscle mass and boost metabolism. Here are 3 tips on how to consume protein drinks for best results (I personally like the last tip best).

Tip 1: Start with 1 protein shake a day.

If you haven’t taken protein drinks before, your body may not absorb the protein very well. In order to gauge how your body responds to the drinks, start with just 1 protein shake a day. Stick with the same brand for an entire week, even if you feel slightly uncomfortable. If your body reacts strongly, stop immediately and consult a physician. There must be some reason why your body is reacting so strongly.

Tip 2: Best time to take is before and after workouts.

You can take the drink before a workout, or after a workout. But do not consume right before the workout. If your intention is to consume the protein shake before the workout, then make sure you do it 2 hours before you start exercising. That will allow ample time for the body to digest and absorb the protein. Alternatively, you can consume the shake right after the workout, preferably within the hour for best results. Loose Weight And Gain Muscle

Tip 3: Consume even on rest days.

Many beginners don’t know this – you can consume protein drinks even on days that you don’t workout. Always remember that muscles grow only when given ample rest. That means your muscles are growing during recovery days. So what can you do to assist muscle growth? That’s right, you should consume protein shakes to provide the adequate nutrition for the muscles to grow.

Some people don’t like consuming protein shakes on rest days because they think that doing so will make them fat. They are thinking of the additional calories. But most protein powders in the market these days are low fat, low carb shakes. They contain very little fat, and very little carbohydrates (less than 3 grams in one serving). So you don’t have to worry about gaining weight after drinking protein drinks.

In fact , not consuming enough protein may be harmful to health. When you workout, you are stressing your muscles. Think what would happen to your body if you don’t give it the chance to recover properly. You feel less energetic, and more prone to injury. Loose Weight And Gain Muscle

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