Kim Kardashian Buys her Fan a New Lexus

Kim Kardashian Buys her Fan a New Lexus

The tabloid headline read: Kim Kardashian Buys Her Fan a New Lexus. I found that hard to believe, especially after watching the Kim Kardashian reality TV marathon. People are always buying her things. But I’ve never seen her buy anyone anything.

Furthermore, another tabloid reported that Kim didn’t even like the Lexus brand because she found Lexus wheels to be annoyingly loud, as if Lexus wheels ever caused anybody a problem. As if… Kim Kardashian ever would be caught dead in a Lexus, its Lexus wheels spinning on the golden celebrity road. That’s what she said.

In fact , Kim treated herself to a new ride in honor of her recent nuptials the other day. She didn’t buy no Lexus either, her entourage referring to it as a glorified Toyota. No indeed, the fabulous Ms. Kardashian unloaded about a bazillion dollars on a virgin white Ferrari 458. She spent an additional $ 80, 000, again reportedly, at Platinum Motorsports adding options to the vehicle.

Kim can afford it. Sources reported she earned $ 17 million just for getting married. I don’t know about you but , where I come from, it costs money to get married. We don’t get paid by reality TV producers and product placement advertisers. But then again, we don’t have any fans either.

I went back to the Kim Kardashian buys her fan a new Lexus story and studied it for clues as to truthfulness. The story stated Kim was so happy at her new nuptials, she decided to do something special to honor her fans since her fans had made it all possible for her.

Determined to honor her fans, Kim held a contest to see which fan best epitomized and represented her fan base. She had fans write 250-word essays that several assistants read. They chose three essays that were the best of the best, but Kim would have to make the final decision.

Kim went through the essays, but couldn’t decide on a winner. The essays all were amazing. So , she called in her assistant and her assistant’s staff and told them she wanted to do something special since she was so happy and the world was wonderful… yadayada. Therefore , with a flourish of her hand and loud laugh Kim said, you know what, let’s go Oprah all over this. Let’s give every one of these fans a Lexus. What the heck. They’re cheap and I just got $ 17 million.

And besides, what do I care since I’m driving a 2010 Range rover HSE with 24-inch Agetro wheels until I get my brand new Ferrari back from the Platinum guys.

The author of this article has expertise in Lexus wheels . The articles on wheels reveals the author’s knowledge on the same. The author has written many articles on Lexus wheels as well.

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