Juicing to Lose Weight

Juicing to Lose Weight

Juicing is an act of mixing fruits and vegetables in a juicing machine to extract the juice necessary give more benefits and nutrition to the body. A simple example would be to buy an apple and a cucumber and juicing them together to produce a refreshing drink. Juicing can make one lose weight in a very effective manner. Juicing to lose weight not only sheds the extra pounds but it also helps the body release toxins. Juicing to lose weight needs to be maximized to its fullest potential by taking note of the following:

First in order to juice, one needs a juicer. A juicer is not a blender – it is simply called a juicer. Period.

Before each meal, one must drink a vegetable juice. This habit will curb one’s appetite thus making a person not eat so much than the usual.

To increase one’s vitamin intake, he must include spinach, cabbage, carrots, broccoli, celery, cucumber and asparagus to his juicing recipes. The above-mentioned vegetables are good for detoxification and weight loss. They can cleanse the body and the intestines and the colons too.

One may add ground hot spices to help boost the metabolism. Cayenne, allspice, cinnamon and pepper are among the few who can drive the metabolism of one’s body wild and fast in a good way.

Juicing to lose weight gives people the chance again to feel good about themselves. Sometimes, some people finds it so hard to lose weight no matter how hard he tries; while some can lose weight without having to lift a finger. But juicing makes it easier for anyone. This weight loss program does not even compromise nutrition but all the more gives dieting and balanced diet a good name.

Vegetables are so low in calorie and even lower in fats. By replacing one calorie foods with juicing, one can lose so much weight so easily. Juicing for weight loss can even give one the concentrated nutrition and help him also curb his appetite while giving him good skin at the same time.

To curb one’s appetite, avoid adding herbs like basil or coriander, because these two herbs stimulate it instead of curbing it. Dark greens are the best way to go and dark greens simply mean broccoli, cabbage, etc .

Carrot and parsley, when mixed as a juice help maintain bloodsugar levels. If one wants to lose weight then cumin, chilli powder, onion and garlic powder are the best spices to go with and their are many juicing recipes you can find that will offer great flavors.

Juicing for weight loss also works for people with hypothyroidism. Because hypothyroidism is parallel to people who are overweight, some do not know that they have low thyroid function. When one drinks veggie juice to lose weight, he also cures his problem as far as thyroid is concerned.

You would know if you have a thyroid problem because of the following telltale signs: you always feel tired, you feel constipated, or when one hair and skin feels dry. The person with a thyroid problem is also easily irritated.

So combat weight problems and hypothyroidism in one with juicing, the juicing benefits to your body are unending.

CaSandra Poulos offers many articles and resources including a free email mini-course “10 Secrets To Power Juicing" at her juicing recipes website.

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