Is This Another Natural Remedy For an Underactive Thyroid?

Is This Another Natural Remedy For an Underactive Thyroid?

A thyroid that produces fewer hormones than necessary can cause many problems which may be alleviated by a natural therapy. An inadequately producing thyroid or “hypothyroidism" is when the thyroid gland does not make the correct amount of hormones for the body. If the thyroid produces an inadequate amount of hormones this can cause symptoms that might not be associated with hypothyroidism initially. The common indicators of hormonal imbalance can include, but certainly are not limited to, weight gain, lack of sleep, feeling tired and sluggish and reduced alertness. Yet, for some, these symptoms of hypothyroidism may be relieved by a natural therapy.

If the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones, the body becomes unable to carry out vital functions. The thyroid gland produces a thyroid stimulating hormone (THS) which maintains the functionality and metabolic balance of many of the body’s organs. This hormone determines how fast or slow the organs operate, as well as how efficiently they function. Hypothyroidism occurs when hormones are not produced by the thyroid causing energy levels to decrease throughout the body. All of these effects are due to a hormonal imbalance, but can be detected by getting your thyroid hormone levels checked on a regular basis. These problems may be improved and even prevented with the use of specific herbs or a natural therapy for underactive thyroid.

To improve thyroid health, there are many “best practices" aimed at increasing your hormonal level and helping you not suffer the debilitating results of hormonal deficiency. Some people react very positively to a particular natural therapy and not to others; as with almost everything each person’s sensitivity to a particular food, supplement, medication , etc . varies by gender, age, race, life-style, experience (exposure to external influences, extreme cases such as asbestos exposure), allergic susceptibility, heredity, along with others.

One natural therapy for hypothyroidism is Coconut Oil, which is used most to help lose weight that is put on when experiencing thyroid troubles. Coconut oil is used for hypothyroidism, giving people the energy needed to lose weight and maintain a more active lifestyle. A diet including 3-5 tablespoons of coconut oil daily may make a dramatic difference in an underactive thyroid patient’s weight, mood, hormonal balance, and energy. Granted, there must be some effort put in to lose the weight, but the coconut oil diet can improve your health in a safe and effective way while suffering with hypothyroidism. By taking 3-5 tablespoons a day, over time you will regain the normal functions of a body with a healthy thyroid.

Additionally , one contributor to a thyroid producing insufficient hormone levels may be an unhealthy diet and improper eating habits. A lack of energy is one result from having an underactive thyroid gland. A lack of energy can cause a person not to exercise enough. Insufficient exercise along with an unhealthy diet may lead to weight gain. This is a self-reinforcing cycle that may be broken by addressing the underlying cause – hypothyroidism. A simple foundation of good thyroid health is a supportive and preventative diet.

Coconut oil is a medium-chain fatty acid which increases metabolism and adds energy to your body which is necessary for the successful loss of weight. For people with a low thyroid gland function, this natural remedy for hypothyroidism is one key to regaining proper body functioning. Physical activity is another key. Sustaining sufficient hormonal levels and a balanced metabolism is crucial to one’s well being, especially when experiencing symptoms of underactive thyroid. With thyroid gland issues, many different afflictions may occur as a result. Although the coconut oil diet does not cover all of these afflictions or symptoms, it may alleviate some very significant issues caused by hypothyroidism.

There are many effective, natural ways to increase your thyroid gland activity. A healthy coconut oil diet can support the thyroid and giving you the energy needed to lead a more active lifestyle.

Coconut Oil – one natural therapy for underactive thyroid problems. Always check with your health care professional if you suspect you have hypothyroidism.

This is Peter R. I lacked energy to do so many things resulting in a noticeable weight gain. Well after some research, self-therapy and a doctor’s visit I found out I had a mild case of UNDERactive thyroid. A couple of possible medications were expensive and I really did NOT like the possible side effects. I checked with my doctor and was surprised at what he mentioned. I just had to share! P. S. I’ve lost 16 pounds so far! For more information on thyroid remedies (and sometimes my personal opinions of some of them) check this out.

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