Everyone is Cutting Out Gluten, Is that How to Reduce Weight?

Everyone is Cutting Out Gluten, Is that How to Reduce Weight?

You may be noticing that gluten has been getting a lot of attention these days. From restaurants offering gluten free options to new moms cutting it out when they are breastfeeding, the entire nation has seemingly discovered a link between gluten and how to reduce weight. But is it necessary for healthy weight loss, and how do you know if it will help you shed those last few pounds?

Well first, we have to discuss the carbohydrate craze and what the facts and farces are in dealing with having grains in your diet. Since most foods that contain gluten are grains, breads, pastas, etc ., carbohydrates are also a huge part of consuming such products. Processed grains can have dire consequences to your health, and even though a package of bread may say “whole wheat, " doesn’t mean that it has the nutritional benefits that you may think. Processed grains in our diets, which is a relatively new concept which has only been in existence for the last 130 years, has been linked to heart disease, high cholesterol, and obesity in adults and children.

Gluten Free and Fabulous: Rethink How You Snack for the Best Diet Plan

Most Americans reach for the chips or crackers when a snack attack hits; however , foods that are jam-packed with gluten aren’t just limited to the obvious unhealthy choices of processed chips, sugary cereals or pastries. Even those who reach for a “healthier" option, like a whole-wheat pita, can be putting themselves at a residual risk for blood glucose spikes. This rise in blood sugar will make those excess carbohydrate calories impossible to utilize as energy and, in turn, will be stored as fat.

Depending on your metabolic type, you may not even realize that you have a low tolerance for starchy carbohydrates, root vegetables, or grains. For those that have a lower threshold, they will find that even if they are eating potatoes and corn on the cob – which are considered healthy – will find those excess carb calories on their thighs, tummy, and buttocks in the form of unseemly fat. However , it is important to remember that a low-carbohydrate approach to dieting is not the best way to lose weight. Your body needs complex carbohydrates to function properly. So feel free to munch on healthy veggies, brown rice or Ezekiel bread.

What Do Processed Carbohydrates Do to Your Body? Hint: It’s Not a Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Whole wheat bread, English muffins, and the like have such high levels of processed wheat and gluten that it are responsible for the bloating, gas, and vitamin deficiency. We are led to believe that these are healthy choices, but instead, tend to be converted into sugar in our systems and can increase our chances of chronic indigestion by leaps and bounds. Those who have digestive disorders, like constipation and irritable bowel syndrome, should most definitely cut out gluten and processed grain from their diet. Sometimes a simple change in your diet can do away with disorders that you’ve dealt with your entire life. Not only can some of these digestive orders that are caused by consumption of too much processed wheat and gluten keep you in a constant circulation of pain and relief, it also has the power to hinder your weight loss goals.

Improving digestion by just substituting your processed whole wheat products with sprouted grain bread can immediately improve your body’s ability to shed unwanted fat and lingering pounds. Also, do some research on the glycemic index to find out how different carbohydrates convert into sugar at different rates. Foods that are high on the GI will cause a rapid increase in blood glucose and weight gain, so if you are looking for foods to scratch from your grocery list, those will be the ones!

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