Is Hypnosis for Weight Loss Really Effective?

Is Hypnosis for Weight Loss Really Effective?

While you may think of hypnosis as merely a trick magicians use on stage, more people are turning to this technique to help them make healthier choices in life and finally lose stubborn weight. To some, the thought of using hypnosis as a medical aid for weight loss sounds improbably at best, or an outright scam at worse. The truth is more doctors are recommending hypnotherapy as a real way to help you overcome cravings and change the way you actually feel about food.

What is Hypnosis Exactly?

Hypnosis has been used in healing for more than 200 years, although it didn’t become a medically and scientifically accepted practice until the last century. Hypnosis is basically just a state of intense concentration and focus, just like the state you enter when you’re absorbed in a good book and the real world seems to fade away.

Once you enter this state, the Miami hypnosis therapist will then offer you suggestions to change your behavior as this hypnotic state comes with a heightened ability to follow suggestions. These suggestions are designed to impact your thoughts, emotions, perceptions and actually behavior when it comes to food.

How Hypnosis for Weight Loss Works

Hypnosis actually aids in weight loss in a number of ways. The first way it helps is through motivation, which experts agree is important for changing any form of behavior that’s undesirable, including overeating. You need a personal reason for changing. Hypnosis identifies and then intensifies your personal reasons for losing weight and keeps your motivation at the forefront of your mind so you won’t just forget about it after reaching a new milestone. Hypnosis also gives you suggestions to change your eating habits, such as eating less but feeling more satisfied or stopping as soon as the food stops tasting wonderful.

Numerous studies have also confirmed that hypnosis and behavioral modification are incredibly effective, including a study published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders, which determined that people who get nutritional education and food aversion hypnosis are 5x more likely to lose weight than individuals who receive nutritional education alone.

Why waste your time and energy on diets that won’t work without addressing the underlying problem? Remember: hypnotherapy is designed to change your long-term dietary behavior and encourage positive eating habits. It’s not a quick fix or a fad diet. Hypnosis helps you learn how to change your behavior and foster new habits that will follow you the rest of your life. If you’re interested in a safe, gentle approach to weight loss, your first step is finding a trained Miami hypnosis therapist to get started.

For more information on Miami Hypnosis and Hypnonsis for Weight Loss . Visit Today – Miamihypnosis. net

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