Increase Exercise to Boost Metabolism

Increase Exercise to Boost Metabolism

Did you know middle age begins at 25? Whether you want to believe it or not, after we reach our mid-twenties, your metabolism begins to slow down. Not to worry, though, there are several steps that you can take which will slow down this aging process before it slows you down. The best method is to increase exercise to boost metabolism.

On average, our metabolism decreases up to ten percent each decade. Metabolism is the bodily function that breaks down calories from carbohydrates, proteins, or fats to provide us with needed energy. Our bodies work very efficiently and only burn stored fat when necessary for creating energy.

The rate of your metabolism depends on several factors such as the amount of calories you eat, the number of calories expended, and genetics. Pump up the volume on your metabolism rate by increasing the need for energy. Increasing exercise boosts your metabolism enabling you to lose weight, look better, and feel great.

Exercise Your Way to Health

Give your metabolism a workout by exercising and the benefits continue to work for you even after the exercise routine is finished for the day. When you build up your muscles by weight training or aerobics, a five to ten pound increase of body muscle helps burn nearly one hundred more calories daily.

After intense exercise like lifting weights or interval training, the after burn effect kicks in and may last up to 24 hours. Strength training requires more energy afterwards to repair damage to muscle stretches and tears. For every extra pound of muscle you gain, you can burn up to fifty more calories, with no additional effort.

Rebounding Makes a Body Good

Rebounding is a time-effective cost efficient exercise where you bounce on a mini-trampoline also known as a rebounder. Bouncing for only ten minutes a day has been shown to boost metabolism. Exercising becomes difficult if we find the routine unexciting. Rebounding is a fun way to get into shape and keep those unwanted pounds from returning.

The astronauts at N. A. S. A. have been rebounding as part of their space program training for years. Rebound exercise was found to help rebuild the muscle and bone mass lost in space by astronauts due to the effects of weightlessness. Scientists discovered that rebounding is nearly 70 percent more efficient than other exercise such as treadmills.

For a safe low impact exercise that gives your entire body a workout, rebounding is an excellent choice. Rebounding enhances your immune system to often improve conditions such as arthritis and other crippling diseases. Your spirits will definitely be lifted jumping on a rebounder.

Eat the Right Foods

Our metabolism is stimulated during mealtimes making it important not to skip meals. To starve the fat and feed the muscle, eat every few hours. Skipping breakfast, eating only a light lunch, and overeating at dinner, scares your body into storing fat thinking food is becoming scarce.

Eat a serving of vegetables and protein like chicken, eggs, or nuts at each meal. High-fiber foods like vegetables are one of the best ways to increase your metabolism. Fiber is a non-digestible carbohydrate, our body uses up energy attempting to break it down. Vegetables are low in calories but highly nutritious, making them doubly delicious for your diet.

Inactive Thyroid Condition

Your doctor will tell you that to lose weight you must increase calories expended, reduce the amount of calories eaten, or both. Many, who are overweight, do not take in any more calories than people of average weight. The cause could be their metabolism rate is lower due to a thyroid condition. Make certain to be tested if you believe you suffer from this problem.

Increase Exercise to Boost Metabolism

As the song says, when you get the chance to sit it out or dance, you should dance! Because many of us are sitting at a desk all day, we do not have the opportunity to exercise. Avoid remaining in the same position for long periods and try whenever possible to move around as much as you can.

We generally become less active as we age, making it of upmost importance to increase exercise to boost metabolism. For example , take the stairs instead of the elevator and park farther away from entrance at your place of employment. By taking these extra steps everyday, you can boost your metabolism. Make it a healthy habit to take a walk or bounce on a rebounder daily and you will be pleasantly surprised at the difference it makes in your overall health.

Get additional free information you can use right away to boost your metabolism. Ready to begin experiencing for yourself the tremendous health benefits that come from an enjoyable, daily 10-minute rebounding workout? Start looking and feeling a whole lot better right now at TheBestRebounder. com.


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