I Want the Truth! Can I Lose Weight with Metabolism?

I Want the Truth! Can I Lose Weight with Metabolism?

To lose weight with metabolism you need an understanding of what it is. Everyone has it but not all have a fast one, some have a slow one.

So , what is Metabolism? Metabolism is the process and the amount of energy (calories) your body burns to maintain itself. For example , when you are eating, drinking, sleeping or walking, your body is constantly burning calories to keep you going. All activities performed by you contribute to some kind of energy burning but naturally, some more than others.

When you are sleeping or just sitting around not exerting any work on your muscles, there is a term which is used to describe this type of metabolism, Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR). This rate is the one that you need to speed up to lose weight. You need more muscle mass!!

Metabolism is affected by your body composition i. e. amount of muscle you have versus the amount of fat. Muscle uses more calories to maintain itself than fat. People who are more muscular (and have a lower percentage of body fat) are said to have a higher metabolism than others who are less muscular.

Therefore , the higher your metabolism or metabolic rate, the better condition you are in to burn excess fat. The lower your metabolism, the more likely you are to retain or gain weight. A healthy metabolism is very important for weight loss, and it can continue to maintain weight loss.

Here are some tips that can help you increase your metabolism. You are not expected to do everything mentioned but naturally the more you can do the more you can potentially benefit. Do appreciate the generalization of these tips as everyone is different in size and build. Some may work better on one individual versus another.

Exercise everyday. Start by small simple exercises such as 20 minute walks, using stairs instead of lifts, walking partly to work, spot jogging, walking the dog, using basic exercise aids. These simple exercises will gradually increase your metabolism, thus, giving you more energy to increase your level of exercise.

Genetics can play a role. Do not expect overnight results. Everyone has a different bone structure and body type. Therefore , given your body type and genetic make-up, you can exercise (with weights and aerobically) to look the best that you can.

If you do decide to diet, try using a plan that will explain what the goal is! There are a lot of diets that call for the cutting of calories to an extent that your body will believe it is starving. The body will slow it’s metabolism to a crawl to protect itself.

Don’t be a breakfast skipper. If you skip breakfast you may find yourself starving in the middle of the day and eating something unhealthy that can slow your metabolism down.

Try eating five small meals a day rather than three large meals. If you must, try eating healthy snacks to curb your appetite between these small meals. Do your research when deciding on what is healthy.

After the age of 30, your body gradually begins to lose it’s muscle. If your activity level stays the same and the amount of calories you eat stay the same, you will gain weight because your metabolism has slowed down (you don’t have as much muscle as you did in your 20′s). If you exercise with weights and do some type of aerobic activity on a regular basis, you probably won’t notice much of a change in your metabolism as you age. Stay busy.

I hope these tips help you to understand that the truth about metabolism is that it truly can help you to lose weight. Also remember that you can learn how to manipulate your own if you do the research. I wish everyone the best in your weight loss goals.

Chad here! If you want education and a great plan on metabolism I invite you to visit my website. You may find that I have a plan to suit you no matter what your goals are! Try it Now.

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