“I Can’t Lose Weight No Matter What I Do!" – 10 Easy Tips For Those Who Can’t Lose Weight Anymore!

i cant lose weight

“I Can’t Lose Weight No Matter What I Do! " – 10 Easy Tips For Those Who Can’t Lose Weight Anymore!

One of the most frustrating feelings in the world is “I can’t lose weight no matter what I do! " It hurts to have these high aspirations and goals to lose lots of weight, only to have life shove it back in your face, doesn’t it?

Well you probably already know these, but I’ve put together a few very simple but powerful quick weight loss tips to help those of you who can’t lose weight no matter how hard you try. I hope they help!

1 . Try to Relax a Little. We all know that stress can make you gain weight. On that same note, if you’re really stressed you’ll have trouble losing weight too!

2 . Get More Shut-Eye. A lot of friends who have told me they can’t lose weight anymore are not getting NEARLY enough sleep each night. Get at least 8-9 hours of sleep- your body needs it!

3. Lay Off Sugar and Salt. These two nasties can really mess up your body- so avoid them!

4. Drink More Water. This will slightly boost your metabolism, but also make you feel full, meaning you’ll eat less.

5. Stop Running so Much! Yup, although running is good for your heart, too much makes it so you can’t lose weight anymore! Why? Because your body begins to break down too much muscle to fuel your running!

6. Build More Muscle. This is fat’s natural enemy. Muscle burns calories, so its also burning fat!

7. Find a Workout Buddy. This will keep you motivated to go to the gym and keep it fun.

8. Work Out During Commercials. Hate commercials like I do? Do a bunch of pushups, situps, and squats when the commercials come on- or during your whole show!

9. Take a Walk After Lunch and/or Dinner. You’ll feel better, burn some calories, and sleep better.

10. Write Down Your Goals. A lot of people who can’t lose weight anymore are struggling because they don’t have the end in sight!

Want to Know the REAL Reason You’re Fat?

HINT: It’s NOT because of what you eat. It’s NOT because of how much you work out. It’s NOT because of stress, hormones, or any of that other junk you hear about.

Although fixing those will help you lose weight fast, they are NOT why you’re fat.

The truth will SHOCK you.

FIND OUT WHY YOU’RE FAT HERE: http://ift.tt/1h64mTo

I’m an engineer by day, personal finance addict and entrepreneur by night. I grew up near Atlanta GA (and miss the trees! ), but currently live in the L. A. area. When I’m not working on my side businesses or reading I’m hanging out with my lovely wife, exercising or playing computer games.

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