I Can’t Lose Weight

i cant lose weight

I Can’t Lose Weight

Start monitoring all your food groups and control exactly what goes into your body. You need to get a schedule and a good balance of exercise with eating low calorie healthy food. Check all nutrition labels to make sure you’re getting all your nutrients out of the calories you put into your body.

The reason why you cannot lose weight is probably because you are not eating the correct foods which should be low-fat, low calorie and sugarless but must also have the other proteins, carbohydrates and nutrients your body needs for a healthy existence. Also the food portions you are eating are not the correct size recommended by dietitians, if you checked the recommended portion sizes on the label you will probably be surprised at how big the portions are that you have been eating.

If you’re really serious about losing weight then your going to have to change your lifestyle and really work on controlling what you eat and getting regular exercise for at least for 30 minutes a day five days a week. This is not a quick fix method as there is no such thing, this new lifestyle of eating the correct food and exercising regularly needs to be kept up for years, or for the rest of your life. When creating your new menu you need to start experimenting and adding from every food group so you get some variety and all the different nutrients you body needs, just make sure you keep the calories low. On your shopping list you should have plenty of whole grains, vegetables, fruits and fat free or low fat milk products. Poultry, fish and lean meats, nuts, beans and eggs should be there also.

Plan ahead while your shopping and buy healthy low calorie foods that will make great snacks for when you have no time to stop. Make sure you have enough snacks to last the whole week. If you need to grab lunch buy a low calorie sandwich instead of a big mac, choose bottled water, or a fruit smoothie or other health drinks that have no added sugars If you are in a restaurant keep away from sauteed or fried food and order a salad, soup, if you have a main course order a steamed, broiled or grilled dish.

Just remember this. If one hundred calories a day stay in your body and gets stored as fat because it does not get burned off you will gain one pound a month, if you are saying to yourself I can’t lose weight, well here is the bottom line, you need to increase your exercise and eat less calories.

If your asking yourself why Icantloseweight go to Iwanttoloseweight for information and advice on fixing your health problem.

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