Hypothyroidism and Infertility

Hypothyroidism and Infertility

Far from be just a theory, hypothyroidism can be the reason for the inability to conceive. It is only the relative rare occurrence of it that makes it overlooked when considering possible culprits for infertility.

When hypothyroidism leads to infertility there is a simple remedy as medical tests can show precisely the thyroxine or triiodothyronine (T4 and T3) insufficiency in the body.

We are referring about hypothyroidism but what is hypothyroidism?! In common language hypothyroidism means that the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough hormones to support and/or control the biochemical processes in the body. These two hormones are known as thyroxine or triiodothyronine (T4 and T3).

These hormones are key components in the optimization of vital functions of the body. One of these functions is the reproductive function hence the correlation between hypothyroidism and infertility.

Women are more likely to suffer from infertility due to hypothyroidism as they are more frequently affected by this thyroid condition than men are.

A lower than normal thyroid hormone level in the female body leads to the inhibition of ovulation and this is why: Prolactin, the hormone controlling breast milk production, is released in higher than normal quantities, the brain is processing this information thinking the female is pregnant and therefore body is not ready for ovulation.

Hypothyroidism, more frequent among young females shows the mechanism we just described mostly with women in the 20 to 30 years of age.

Hypothyroidism can develop mild or severe forms. In its mild form Hypothyroidism the condition is more obvious in terms of the lower than normal hormone levels. The severe forms can go up to total stoppage of thyroid hormone production.

How does one know he/she suffers from hypothyroidism?
It’s not easy to spot hypothyroidism. Most of its symptoms are very common with other conditions. Who would think hypothyroidism if the symptoms are: hard to control weight gains, fatigue and general weakness, frequent mood swings or dry skin?

All these can be easily associated with other ailments. The smart thing to do when having any of these symptoms is to immediately see a doctor. If it’s a false alarm it is good for your peace of mind, if it is indeed hypothyroidism then fortunately it can be easily healed if caught in early stages.

Natural treatment for thyroid conditions
Thyromine is your best natural treatment for an ailing thyroid gland.

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