Hypnosis Weight Loss Seminar

Hypnosis Weight Loss Seminar
Marisa Peers You Can Be Thin is very different and very effective. She has clients who have lost several stones, some as much as 7 stone, simply by listening to her talk and by joining in with the interactive exercises she does. We believe it when we see it and at Marisa’s live event you will see why your body hates to be given sweets, crisps and junk. The mind gets high on the chemicals in processed food but the body hates them and? simply can’t break them down or get rid of them and so is forced to wrap the chemicals? in fat and store it on your bum and legs.
Your mind and body does what it thinks you want it to do, once you tell yourself I need chocolate for energy, I need sweets to keep me going, I need a treat, your body will respond by feeding back those same messages to you particularly when you are stressed or unhappy. Your mind tells you to eat chocolate to feel happy because? you (and many advertisements )have been telling it for years that chocolate makes you happy and now you are in a negative bio feedback. When you tell your mind specifically, precisely and accurately what you want? your mind will give that to you since your minds job is to give you what you want. The confusion is that it often gives you what it thinks you want, or what you wanted when you were a kid, things like chocolate, crisps, ice cream etc .
We all logically know that ice cream? can’t make anything better for more than a few minutes but emotion is way more powerful than logic and when it comes to a battle between the two emotion will always win. This is where hypnosis comes in and why it is so very effective and permanent. The hypnosis uses a much more powerful emotion to make you love saying no to the wrong food, you can literally become thrilled and empowered and elated by your ability to say no to chocolate even when people eat it right in front of you, to leave food on your plate to only want real healthy nourishing food. Everyone at the seminar gets hypnotised and leaves feeling different. Marisa’s You Can Be Thin seminar is talked about in superlatives its fun, empowering and very different. Just read the testimonials below then come along and see for yourself.
Marisa Peer was named Best British Therapist by? Men’s Health? magazine and features in? Tatler’s? Guide to Britain’s 250 Best Doctors. She has spent 25 years working with an extensive client list including royalty, rock stars, actors, professional and Olympic athletes, CEOs and media personalities and has developed her own style that is frequently referred to as life-changing. Marisa is a best-selling author and appears extensively, as an expert, on television and radio including Channel 4’s Supersize vs . Superskinny and ITV’s Celebrity Fit Club UK and USA.
Telephone:? 0207 371 9367 / 07941 021210
email:? info@marisapeer. com
facebook:? http://www.facebook.com?/ You can be thin – Marisa Peer / Ultimate Confidence – Marisa Peer

The same methods applied in the book are used at the hypnosis weight loss seminar incredible and amazing

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