How to Treat ADHD Without Prescription Drugs

How to Treat ADHD Without Prescription Drugs

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurobehavioral and developmental disorder characterized by impulsivity, inattentiveness, and hyperactivity. Since it was first described in the 1970s, this disorder has been steeped in controversy.

There has been a lot of disagreement among clinicians, teachers and educators, parents, counselors and child experts on whether this disease actually exists. Some of these kids are labeled as “problem students" when they enter school. This labeling is harmful to a child’s self-esteem and is very hurtful to his family.

The most raging controversy so far is the use of stimulant medications in treatment. Many disapprove of the use of these medications because of limited studies on their long-term use and on their effect on very young children. Because of these safety and efficacy concerns, who can blame us if we search for an alternative medicine for ADHD.

Behavior modifications, lifestyle and diet changes, homeopathy, EEG neurofeedback, use of visual and auditory calming techniques are just some of the novel treatment approaches I found on the Internet.

Behavioral interventions include psychoeducational input, behavior therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal psychotherapy, family therapy, school-based interventions, social skills training, and parent management training. I enrolled my child in behavior therapy. This is conducted on one-on-one sessions, dyads, and in groups.

During one-on-one sessions, the therapist targets several behavioral problems which she has identified in my child. She coaches my child on socially-accepted norms such as taking turns, waiting in line, and not interrupting conversations. My child is coached on social cues such as looking at a person when he is talking to them. He is also taught ways to monitor his behavior. One activity, which is called mirroring, teaches my child empathy.

There are also family therapies which help parents and other family members deal with ADHD. Data from the United States show that there are more divorces among parents of children with ADHD than in parents of children without. During family therapies, we are taught strategies to cope with our feelings of frustration, anger, guilt, and inadequacy. Tips on parenting and understanding our child with ADHD are also given.

Changing the diet is another form of alternative medicine for ADHD. The recommended ADHD diet should be comprised of natural ingredients, having a 50-50 balance of proteins and carbohydrates during lunch and dinner and a 60-40 ratio for breakfast, and lots of fruits and organic vegetables. Although no definitive link has been established between diet and ADHD, there is no question that food affects our health. This is reflected in the adage: you are what you eat. It is argued that mental health depends on the food we eat. A diet high in sugar can result in restlessness and hyperactivity. An improperly nourished child is lethargic, has trouble concentrating, and is forgetful. These lead to learning difficulties.

Another alternative is EEG Neurofeedback, or biofeedback. This intervention uses a machine called an electroencephalogram (EEG) to monitor brain wave patterns. This intervention makes use of the waves emitted by our brains: alpha (medium), beta (fast), theta (slow), and delta (deep sleep). A child is hooked to the machine and his brain wave pattern monitored. When he emits a beta wave, a signal is given. The child with ADHD is taught to increase beta wave activity which is responsible for arousal. In the same manner, he is taught to suppress theta wave activity.

Homeopathy is an alternative form of medicine which focuses on reversing the imbalance present in the body without resorting to drugs. Homeopathy takes detailed medical histories so they can address all the ailments affecting a person. The therapy focuses on issues and behaviors that are most prominent in a person with ADHD. Homeopathy uses very minute quantities of natural ingredients, thus increasing potency while decreasing the risks for side effects.

You may try any one of these ADHD alternative medicine. But bear in mind that some of these methods have not been shown to be effective. To make sure that you and your child are not harmed, seek the advice of your doctor.

Puneet writes a blog about ADHD and helps ADHD sufferers to find new treatments in naturopathy and alternative medicine. If you are looking for a well-researched alternative medicine for ADHD, you may read more

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