How To Speed Up Metabolism And Lose Weight Effectively

How To Speed Up Metabolism And Lose Weight Effectively

There is not a more frequently mentioned word in the weight loss (or weight gain) industry than metabolism.

Basically metabolism refers to the full set of chemical reactions that occur in all living organisms to conduct and maintain life.
In short it is the process of converting food into energy.

Doctors often refer to the science of metabolism when they explain why calorie restriction or diuretic diets do not work and why these diets are scientifically incorrect and medically irresponsible.

Metabolism can be thought of as the speed at which your bodies motor is running. Did you know that 75% of the energy your body consumes is used to carry out simple functions like breathing, digestion, production of body heat, healing, etc . – this is called your basal metabolic rate. Scientists have found that the best way to lose weight is to increase your basal metabolic rate as this accounts for most of your bodies energy consumption. Why focus on the 25% when we can focus on the 75%. The best thing is it is much easier and requires less effort to increase your metabolism in order to lose weight than it does to exercise like crazy.

One of the best ways to increase ones basal metabolic rate is by adding special foods to your diet.
Pepper is an excellent example of such a food.

Black Pepper.
Black Pepper is a thermogenic spice, meaning it creates energy by burning fat. Black pepper is one of the most useful natural products one can take when attempting to lose weight as it strengthens the digestive juices thus dissolving fat in the digestive system secondly it acts as a thermogenic, boosting the metabolism. Studies show that pepper boosts the metabolism by at least 8% for hours after consumption.

Peppers such as – Jalapenos, Habanero, Cayenne
In recent years cayenne pepper has been used in fat burners. The capsaicin in these peppers cause the body to burn more calories for hours after you ingest them due to their thermogenic (heats up your body) properties, speeding up both your heart rate and metabolism. Capcaisin raises the metabolic rate by up to 30% after ingestion.

I am a Medical Scientist and Metabolism Expert.

I have created the most in depth and successful metabolism boosting system available today, ‘The Metabolism Formula’

For further information visit:

TheMetabolismFormula. com

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