How to Lose Weight While Taking Resveratrol Supplements

How to Lose Weight While Taking Resveratrol Supplements

Resveratrol is a great supplement for weight loss, and I know a lot of people who take it specifically for that purpose. We all know that resveratrol could mimic the effects of caloric restriction as stated in the New York Times, “Dr. Weindruch said the study data offered “very encouraging" signs that resveratrol could duplicate in people some of the effects of caloric restriction. "

This basically means you would be able to take resveratrol and lose weight without changes in diet and exercise. But , although you could do this, wouldn’t it be better to combine resveratrol with a proper diet and exercise regime to cause even more fat loss? That is exactly what I’m going to do in this article, so you will know exactly how to lose weight while using your resveratrol supplement.

First you need to figure out how many calories to intake per day
To do this you can either do one of two things depending on how specific you want to be. If you’re impatient, then you can take the easy route which is multiplying your body weight by about 12-13. This should give you a rough estimate of how many calories you need to eat per day in order to lose weight. Here is an example below:

I weight 150 lbs so it would be:
So I would need to eat 1950 calories each day for weight loss

Another method you can do which is more precise is tracking your calories. To do this go ahead and track everything you eat for about 4 days and determine how many calories you end up eating. There are many websites online that give you the calorie content of foods such as calorieking. com. After you do this subtract roughly 300 calories from your total to find how many calories you need per day. Again, here is an example below:

So let’s say I had these numbers
Day 1 2200 calories
Day 2 2400 calories
Day 3 2000 calories
Day 4 2100 calories
So I would then add them 2200+2400+2000+2100=8700 then divide it by the number of days 8700/4=2175. So my maintenance calories would be about 2175, I would then subtract 300 from that number 2175-300=1875 and this would be how many calories I need per day to lose weight.

So.. I know how many calories I need but what should I eat?

Ok, so after you figure out how many calories you need now you need to decide what to eat. Generally when I’m trying to lose weight I will receive about 40% of my calories from carbohydrates, 40% from proteins, and 20% from fats. Here is an example to find these numbers using my above example of 1875 calories:

– I would eat. 40*1875=750 calories from protein
– Since protein has 4 calories per gram that means we need 750/4=185 grams of protein per day
– For carbohydrates it would be. 40*1875=750 calories from carbohydrates
– Carbohydrates has 4 calories per gram as well so we need 750/4=185 grams of carbohydrates
– For fats it would be. 20*1875=375 calories from fats, now fat has 9 calories per gram so I would need 375/9=41 grams of fat.

So now that we know how much to eat of what, we still need to know what to eat, and I will go over that as well.


* Lean Chicken,
* Eggs,
* Fish,
* Milk,
* Tuna,
* Lean Turkey,
* Beans,
* and Lean Beef


* Anything that’s whole wheat (be sure to check the label, no “mixed wheat" the first ingredient should be whole wheat,
* Fruits,
* Vegetables, and
* STAY away from sugary foods!!


* Eggs,
* Nuts,
* Olive Oil,
* Vegetable Oil, and
* any foods low in saturated fat, and high in poly and mono.

Finally, how much cardio should I do?

This is pretty simple go ahead and do 30 minutes of cardio 4x per week and do it right when you wake up before you eat anything. This fasted cardio will help you burn fat instead of calories you just consumed, which is why you need to do it before you eat. Also you can basically do anything you want for cardio basketball, swimming, jogging, elliptical, the possibilities are endless as long as your hearts working!

So there you have it, combine your resveratrol product with this weight loss guide and get ready to lose some serious weight!

Thinking of using a resveratrol supplement? Be sure to read the reviews on my website to learn more about a resveratrol supplement first!

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