How to Lose Weight Using a Colon Cleanser

How to Lose Weight Using a Colon Cleanser

An effective colon cleanser can be a huge help in your weight loss efforts. Good health, along with boundless energy and effective weight loss, starts with good health in the digestive tract, especially in the intestines and the colon.

The more junk food you have eaten in your lifetime, the more decaying fecal matter will be lodged in your intestines. Yuk! This festering mess of toxins and parasites is a breeding ground for the wrong sort of bacteria and can lead to bloating, stomach cramps, excessive wind, constipation, general bad health and more.

There may be up to 25 pounds of this muck lodged in your intestines that you are completely unaware of. While your digestive system is harboring this muck, it cannot possibly work effectively. Plus, your general level of health is compromised, your energy levels will be down, and it is difficult or even impossible to lose weight.

Obviously, if an effective colon cleanser can shift that weight of stuff, you have an immediate start on your weight loss efforts. But there is more. Once that stuff is gone, your digestive system can work properly, and once you have achieved that, then weight loss becomes easier.

But now I must point out a huge warning: since colon cleansers have been found to be beneficial in weight loss and general health, the market has been flooded with hundreds or even thousands of brands of colon cleanser. Very few of them work and do what is claimed. Some do the job but upset the stomach.

Recently a major test was done as shown on CNN, CBS NEWS, ABC and WSJ. com which strikingly revealed how few actually worked, and most did not appear to have the necessary ingredients to have a hope of working.

During the test, the top performing cleanser moved an average of 14 to 16 pounds of this horrible gunk. So before you select one to use, search on Google for ‘colon cleanser reviews’ and make your decision from there.

A wonderful adjunct to colon cleansers is the raw food diet. When you take food, especially vegetables, half way to boiling point, you have already killed all the beneficial and healthful enzymes and all the vitamins and minerals disappear real fast after that. So if you eat cooked vegetables, you are really eating an empty shell devoid of good nutrition.

I should also mention that eating raw food alone will act as a very effective colon cleanse. The only problem is that it will take a good deal longer than an effective cleanser, but it will do the job.

Before you throw your hands up in horror at the thought of munching through raw food, think about putting it all through your food processor or whiz so it is easy to eat yet still contains all the potential goodness in the food. Also there are hundreds of really delicious recipes on line if you look for them.

There is something else you can do for easy and effective weight loss, and that is to join a group online of other people who also have a weight problem and have the same weight loss goal as you. Harvard University have proved that weight loss can spread from person to person in such a group.

So if you really do want to lose weight, look for a suitable group you can join. This will make weight loss easy and fun.

The author, J. Duncan McNeill, has created a social networking site with a weight loss theme. Find out how easy and effective weight loss can be at this exciting FREE website:

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