How To Lose Weight – Reducing Your Butt And Thighs

How To Lose Weight – Reducing Your Butt And Thighs
Women constantly have insecurities with their thighs and butts so the question becomes how to lose weight in these specific areas? Women look at their butt and thighs and think too big, too flat, too thick. These areas are constant battles for most women. The problem is its these areas that are the hardest to lose fat in as women are built to store fat in case their survival mode kicks in. In order to keep them alive, their bodies deplete the fat from thighs/butts if there is no food to be consumed. The solution is a targeted fitness routine and sound nutrition.

You need to be careful of the workout program youre doing and the extra calories youre eating. Quite often those extra calories will be stored in the areas you dont want them to be butts and thighs. As well, you want to make sure your exercise program is not enhancing the areas youre trying to slim down. Some workouts are meant to increase the size of your body and some workouts are meant to re-shape it. As well some workouts are geared to slim down your body. You need to hire a qualified trainer to make sure youre doing the right exercise for your goal.

Cardio is an important part of your workout program and you should do 45 55 mins of high intensity cardio 3-4 times a week. This will maximize your reduction in the thigh/butt area.

Also keep in mind you should make sure to train your full body, and not just your butt and thighs. This will help to increase your metabolism which will help burn more fat and your body will then be proportionate.

Lunges are an excellent tone your butt and thighs, losing fat in those areas. Dont use any weights and do this 2-3x a week. If you want to increase the size of your butt or thighs, you should do weighted squats.

Food is another battle. The secret of how to lose weight is a two-pronged strategy; exercise and nutrition. Healthy eating is always important, definitely so when looking to decrease the size of your butt and thighs. Concentrate on eliminating the bad fats and choosing healthy fats as much as possible. Prepare your meals in advance. Dont wait till the last minute to put together a lunch or dinner as more often than not youll end up snacking too much on high calorie foods, which will end up right in the areas you dont want them to! So eat as clean as possible. Stay focused on your goals and you will reach them! One baby step at a time is all it takes!

If youre someone who wants to learn how to lose weight and do it with a great fitness routine, then impactfitnessinc. com is your choice. Learn from the pros who train the pros.

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