How to Lose Weight Overnight – Is it Really Possible?

lose weight overnight

How to Lose Weight Overnight – Is it Really Possible?

The short answer is: you can’t lose weight overnight. Well, you can. But not a significant amount. The most you can safely lose per week in order to see permanent, healthy weight loss is 2-3 pounds.

What you really want to do is set small goals of say, a week, two weeks, or a month. If you say you want to lose 3 pounds at the end of week one, and consistently lose 3 pounds every week, you’ll have lost 12 pounds by the end of the month. That’s a realistic, achievable goal that is manageable for your body and your mind both.

Technically, once you start the weight loss process, you do lose weight overnight. When you’re asleep, you’re in a fasting state, where you aren’t consuming anything and your body is using stored resources to continue functioning. (Yes, you do burn calories while you’re asleep. ) That’s why people often wake up hungry, and why breakfast has its name. You break the fast you started while you were sleeping.

The fastest weight loss (which will include some water weight) is by going on a detox diet or juice fast. During this period you will consume limited food, mostly in the form of liquids such as soup, juice, and water. This will give your body the calories it needs to continue functioning, but you’ll be using up stored glycogen reserves – and once those are gone, your body will start depending on fat. You lose weight overnight (and sometimes actual fat), but you run the risk of losing muscle, as well.

However , fasts are difficult to do for an entire week or even a day, especially in our world of constant food temptations. If you’re fasting but around co-workers who are eating, you’ll become that much more sensitive to the smell of their food, which will in turn stimulate your hunger. The best way to do a liquid fast is to wait until the weekend or a time when you can mostly be alone, or at least isolate yourself from food.

Remember, the best and safest way to lose weight is to find a good diet and exercise program, or take the time to formulate one for yourself. A good motto to keep when trying to lose weight is: be safe, be healthy, and be patient.

Looking for more information on how to safely lose weight?

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