How to Lose Weight – Cardio and Apple Diet

How to Lose Weight – Cardio and Apple Diet

It is not easy for many people to lose their weight. Many of them just don’t want to, maybe because they enjoy their fat belly, or something like that. Or maybe they tried many ways to lose weight but they cannot reach the goal.

OK, forget it. In this article, I want to show you how to lose weight. Maybe you don’t know what’s an apple diet like. OK at first, I will show you how to lose weight with an intensive cardio.

Cardio is a very good weight to “cut" your belly fat. But you must know the trick to reach the goals. OK, these are the rules:

Always do the cardio in the morning, before your first breakfast!

If you do the cardio before your first meal in the morning, it will force your body to burn your fat to get energy. If you eat first, guess what. You wont burn more calories as you haven’t take a breakfast before.

Fat Burner! Fat Burner! Fat Burner!

That’s the key. Consume fat burner before do the cardio. It will burn much more calories up to 2 – 3 times! Use it and see the result.

Those are the way that I use when I do the cardio. Now I want to share to you how to lose weight with the second way: apple diet.

It begun when I had a high blood pressure, about 3 years ago. I went to the doctor, and she told me to have a diet. What’s the deal? I couldn’t eat anything but fruit and salad. That was crazy, I’m not a vegetarian. But that’s the only way to get healed.

Here is the deal. Its just simple.

Every time you get hungry, eat an apple! You can choose any fruit that you like, but I recommend apple. Because apple is surfeited. Do not eat after 7 PM, so get your SALAD at 6 PM.

It just takes less than ONE MONTH to lose up to 10 kg. believe it or not, I have reached my goals.

Its not recommended to combine cardio and apple diet, because you wont have enough energy to do the cardio.

So , what are you waiting for? Lose your weight right now!

Adrian Mahendra is a college student. He started to have a healthy life style about 1 year ago. He blogs at
His blogs contain information related to a healthy lifestyle, for example: fitness, diet programs, and weight loss.

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