How To Lose Weight And Keep It Off

How To Lose Weight And Keep It Off
Weight Loss and staying in great shape is 70% eating and 30% exercise. Most people think that just because they had a great session in the gym, they can ‘pig out’. This is really counter-productive and the best weight loss plans involve eating the right foods at the right times, followed by some exercise.

If losing weight feels like a mission you’ll struggle your whole life to keep that weight off. However if you view losing weight as fun and enjoyable you’ll find it easy to lose weight and keep it off.

Here are 8 amazing tips for losing weight and keeping it off. When you follow these every day and regard being in great shape as a lifestyle change, you’ll find losing weight easy!

1 . Focus on what you want.
Find a picture of the body you want and stick it in a place where you can see it first thing when you wake up and last thing before you go to sleep. You have this part of your brain called the Reticular Activating System (RAS) which works like a heat-seeking missile. When you have a target/goal to aim for, it’ll find a way to get you there.

2 . Start the day with some exercise
Start each day with some form of exercise. Before you eat anything either go for a long walk, jog or gym session. When you start your day with a little exercise on an empty stomach, you’re able to burn the largest amount of calories. You’ll also get your metabolism going, which will help you to burn calories throughout the day.

3. Eat 5-6 small-medium meals throughout the day
You should be eating a small-medium sized meal every 2-3 hours throughout the day. This keeps you blood-sugar levels constant throughout the day. This will also eliminate all the cravings for sugary foods, which are filled with fat. Your stomach is small and giving it small-medium meals throughout the day, you don’t store any unnecessary fat.

4. Eat 4-6 portions of fruit and veg throughout the day
By eating 4-6 portions of fruit and veg throughout the day you’ll give you body all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals it needs to operate at Peak Performance. Think of your body like a car. What car would you like your body to be? A sports car, a nice four by four or a rickety old Volkswagen? The food you put in your body is like the petrol you put in your car. When you put in the right foods, at the right time, you’ll have amazing amounts of energy to perform all your daily tasks.

5. Drink loads of water
Your body is made up of 70% water and your brain 85%, so drink 2-3 litres of water throughout the day to keep hydrated. Your body often confuses hunger with thirst, so drink a full glass of water before every meal and you’ll find yourself eating less.

6. Stay off the carbs for dinner
Say no to carbs at dinner time! Make sure you just eat protein and either fruit, veg or salad for dinner. Stay away from things like pasta, bread and potatoes in the evening. These foods just sit there and don’t have enough time to be burnt off. When you go to bed they are metabolized very slowly and turn into fat. You’ll wake up tired and bloated after an evening of carbs for dinner.

7. Green tea
Have a cup of green tea in the evening after dinner. Green tea is proven to increase your metabolism. It’s full of anti-oxidants to boost your immune system and keep you healthy and full of energy.

8. Get a good night’s sleep
Research has shown you need 6-8 hours sleep a night to function at Peak levels of mental and physical fitness throughout the day. When you have a great night’s rest, you’ll wake up feeling great, which will help you to start the day off in great shape. When you have great energy and emotions during the day you’ll have less need to eat junk food to give you a lift.

Follow these 8 tips throughout the day, each day for the next month and you’ll notice the weight falling off. You’ll also notice how great you feel and all the energy you have. The key to create a lasting change in your body and your health is to find ways to lose weight that are enjoyable. When you enjoy the process and look at staying in great shape as a lifestyle change, you’ll find reaching your weight loss goals is really easy!

I am a Peak Performance Coach and I use NLP, Hypnosis and various other strategies, tools and techniques to create lasting change in your mind, body and emotions. Visit me on Ross Chouler or send me an email at Send An Email for more info on how to cure phobias, lose weight, stop smoking, increase confidence and more.

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