Shocking Fat Busting Secret Revealed, How to Lose Weight and Gain Muscle

Shocking Fat Busting Secret Revealed, How to Lose Weight and Gain Muscle

The secret is there is no big secret. . There are no magic pills, if you want to lose the flab and replace it with muscle you will have to do some work and eat a balanced diet.

The truth about FAT, before you try to lose weight and build up those pecks. Crash diets and calorie restrictions are not the path to chose, losing weight by dieting will cause you to lose both fat and muscle. Exercising will help you to build muscle and burn fat.

Fact or Fiction Muscle weighs more than fat? Fact Fat is Lighter than muscle? Fact. Stay off the scales, you will lose inches before you lose pounds. Choosing a healthy diet and an exercise program to suit you, will build your muscle and that extra fat will disappear.

Muscle building Foods. You will have to feed your muscles in order to build them. Proteins are the fuel your muscles need to bulk up. Carbohydrates, you will also need carbohydrates as energy to build muscle. The trick to losing weight and gaining muscle is balance, eating a balance diet including extra amounts of protein. If you don’t exercise you will need. 8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight to keep the muscles you have. Some protien shakes will add to much protein to our diets which make it difficult on the kidneys.

Cutting Out Carb’s Will Not Help Build Muscle. Some bodybuilders can tell you to cut out carbohydrates in favor of protein. Proteins are important but balance is important.

Carb’s + Protein = Bigger Muscles Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, drink lots of water to ensure you are hydrated, this will keep your body working at it’s optimum level. Increasing exercise will help you lose weight, don’t start cutting down on calories. You will be burning more each day, when you get in shape you will notice you will start paying more attention to the foods you put in your body, you will start to eat healthier. You will be more in tune with your body.

The Building Muscle secret. With in 14 day of exercise you will see results, put in the time and effort and two weeks you will notice a difference to your body, and also to your mind. You will be surprised how much better your moods are and the extra energy you will have by exercising.

How to lose weight and gain muscle

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How to Lose Weight and Gain Muscle

how to lose weight and gain muscle fast

How to Lose Weight and Gain Muscle

Losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time requires commitment; lots of it. This is especially true if you have 50 lbs or more to lose. In that sense, you might want to lose the fat first before you can work on your muscles, but if you’re down to the last five to ten pounds, then it would be wise to work on the muscle and let the fat loss be the byproduct.

There are a couple of ways to achieve fat loss and muscle growth at the same time. But you need to determine your goals first. Do you want to get lean or are you the type who wants to go for a bulky, bodybuilding body type? This will help you tailor your fitness regimen to your specific goals.

Weight Training

If you want mass, then you will need a diet that bulks you up. A high-protein, low-fat diet might just do the work however you need to cut the calories so you also get to burn your fat stores. The typically-sized man will do best with 2000 calories more or less. For women, 1200 to 1500 is enough.

At the early stages of your routine, you will be lifting to burn fat, not gain muscle. This means that you don’t need to lift very heavy weights for now. Get a dumbbell that you can lift about 8 to 12 times and work on it for two to three sets. The trick here is to not rest in between sets, this is what you would call a superset. By not allowing the muscles to recover, your energy expenditure will need to utilize your fat stores for energy.

In the first two to three months, do more reps and less weight. And minimize rest in between sets. Do cardio for 3-5 days a week but do keep your time exercising for only 30-45 minutes. If you go the full hour, you start reversing the results and lose muscle along with fat.


If you want to tone your body up, you can use the same amount of cardio stated above. A combination of weight training and cardio should be enough to help you burn fat. But for toning, you will want to get a heavier weight and fewer repetitions, around 4 to 6. You might also want to rest enough in between sets as opposed to doing supersets and avoid training until your muscles fail. What this does is that it strengthens your muscles without inducing growth.

But whether toning or going for bulk, remember that you need enough rest in between workout days. Why? Muscles don’t grow while exercising. Exercise stimulates growth, and this growth happens when you are resting them.


Whatever your goal is, make sure that you go for consistency. Changing your routine every now and then will spell disaster. Don’t worry if you don’t see results within a week or two, fat loss and muscle building doesn’t happen overnight after all. Stick to your routines and don’t forget your goals.

Changing your routine after two to three months purposefully is the way to go. So stick to your plan and be confident that the results will come.

If you want to read about an effective natural diet supplement, you can read Capsiplex Guide and Tips , or read Capsiplex side effects here.

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