How to Lose Weight After Pregnancy – 3 Simple Steps

How to Lose Weight After Pregnancy – 3 Simple Steps

For a lot of new mums once they have settled into a routine and are coping well with their baby then their attention is turned to regaining their pre-baby figure and losing their pregnancy weight. It seems that these days there is a lot of pressure both by women themselves and the media to lose all the weight gained during pregnancy as quickly as possible. It doesn’t help when we see in magazines lots of celebrity mums suddenly back to their normal weight in a matter of weeks after giving birth. This gives an unrealistic perspective for new mums about how fast they should be losing weight and when they are finding it difficult to lose weight a lot of women can get frustrated and disillusioned and start to think they will never get back to the way they was before. Lets just state right now that losing weight after pregnancy is achievable for all women and you can get back to the figure you had before and better if your prepared to stay committed and give yourself a realistic timeframe to get your self back in shape. Losing Weight after having a baby is really no different than losing weight at any other time just have to follow these 2 simple guidelines

Eat a Healthy Balanced Diet.
Forget any fad diets or fat burning supplements, as a new mum (especially those that are breastfeeding) you need all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients that a varied balanced diet provides. Focus on a diet rich in Vegetables, Fruits, Wholegrain cereals, Fish, Meats and Healthy Fats. What women after pregnancy must be careful of is too limit the portion sizes of their meals as they can easily continue to eat “for two" at mealtimes. I would advise eating between 4-6 small meals every day to help keep the metabolism fired up and to keep energy levels constant. Also the tasty treats and naughty foods that were indulged in during pregnancy must be limited or stopped until the target weight has been reached.

Take regular Exercise.
For a lot of mums the thought of trying to fit in exercise when your new baby consumes your life, you don’t have a minute to spare and are living on a few hours a sleep every night is a bit too much. However activities such as walking, swimming and cycling can be fitted into every day with not much trouble and baby can get involved too. Also if you don’t fancy going to the local gym there are lots of effective weight and resistance workouts you can do at home with no or little equipment that can help you burn fat and tone up your muscles with less than a few hours commitment every week. Building up your muscles is a very important factor when trying to lose pregnancy weight and an exercise program that contains both resistance and cardiovascular exercises is recommended. Just remember to listen to your body and start at a pace that you feel comfortable with building the intensity slowly as you regain fitness and confidence.

Breastfeed if possible
A new mom who is able to breastfeed her new child produces on average 850ml of breast milk each day. To provide this, the mother needs to consume approximately 500 extra calories per day during lactation. These extra calories can soon burn through those unwanted pregnancy pounds just make sure that you are eating the right sort of foods.

Eating sensibly and taking regular exercise is still the best way to lose weight for everybody. However for new mums there are so many more factors that have to be considered when trying to shed those unwanted pounds. Just remember that everybody is different and some woman will be back to normal in just a few weeks and some will still be struggling well over a year after the birth. Give yourself time, don’t feel pressured and keep being consistent with your diet, exercise and lifestyle and the weight will come off.

Howard Standring is a Personal Trainer who runs energiafitness. com based in Southern Spain.

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