How to Lose Stomach Fat Quickly – 3 Tips to Lose Stomach Fat Quickly

How to Lose Stomach Fat Quickly – 3 Tips to Lose Stomach Fat Quickly

If you want to learn how to lose stomach fat quickly, then forget about all the outrages diet plans and exercise programs you have heard. The most effective and successful way to lose fat quickly is to stay with the basics. The quicker you want to lose stomach fat, the harder you also have to work. There are no free lunches, but I am sure you already know that very well, right?

Form new habits

One of the things, that makes losing fat successfully so hard, is that it seems like a chore. You have to follow a diet, you have to exercise and people do not like that. So sooner or later people give up. That is why changing your mindset from diets to lifelong habits, is so important. Habits are something, that are very hard to get rid of, whether they are good or bad. Adopting new nutritional and exercise habits, is very important and it is the only way to achieve permanent results.

Keep your muscles

Losing fat quickly is possible if you work with your body, not against it. Most of the time people are so focused on the scale, that they do not care what they lose. Muscle is a metabolic furnace that burns calories and the more you have muscle, the more calories you burn. Strict diets unfortunately shed muscle along with fat and that leads to a fat loss plateau. Weight training is the best way to build muscle and is essential to burn fat quickly.

Cutting calories

It is always better to start with a small calories deficit at first and then slowly increase the deficit. Unfortunately most folks do the opposite and cut their calories very drastically and that causes the rebound effect to occur. Cutting your calories by 15-20% below your maintenance level is a good start and then you can slowly cut your calories even more, if it is needed.

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