How to Lose Baby Weight Fast – Start Losing it Today!

How to Lose Baby Weight Fast – Start Losing it Today!

The questions of how to lose baby weight is a challenge for every new mother. Most women gain 25 to 35 or maybe even 40 pounds (11 to 18 kilos) during pregnancy, but they only lose 10 to 15 pounds (5 to 7 kilos) during delivery. Almost every new mother is 15 to 30 pounds (7 to 15 kilos) heavier after the baby is born than before the baby is conceived.

The good news about how to lose baby weight is that a lot baby weight isn’t fat. It’s fluid. During pregnancy a specialized organ known as the corpus luteum produces enormous amounts of the hormone progesterone. This hormone causes fluid to accumulate around the womb to protect mother and child. With no effort at all, a new mother’s progesterone levels return to normal about the same time they get their periods again.

But there still can be a few pounds of new baby weight. Here’s what new mothers need to do to return all the way back to normal:

Eat less, but don’t punish yourself for gaining baby weight.

To lose fat mass, it is always necessary to burn more calories than you consume. But it isn’t necessary to burn more calories than you consume each and every day.

In fact , it’s a good idea to try a “zigzag" diet. For instance, if you know your basic calorie requirements are 1, 800 calories a day, and you could lose a pound a week if you ate 1, 300 calories a day, one way to approach a week on your diet would be to plan your meals like this:

• Day 1: 1, 300 calories
• Day 2: 1, 300 calories
• Day 3: 1, 300 calories
• Day 4: 1, 300 calories
• Day 5: 1, 300 calories
• Day 6: 1, 300 calories
• Day 7: 1, 300 calories

After a week on this diet, you’ll probably lose about a pound. But after two weeks on this diet, you won’t lose two pounds. That’s because when you starve yourself-and any reduced-calorie diet is a form of starvation-your body adjusts your basal metabolic rate to burn less and less. After a few weeks, you can eat 1, 300 calories a day and not lose any weight at all. But if you get off your diet and eat as you did before you started your weight loss program, you’ll quickly put pounds back on.

There is a better way. Eat less, but don’t eat less every day. In fact , if you plan your calorie consumption like this:

• Day 1: 1, 300 calories
• Day 2: 1, 300 calories
• Day 3: 1, 800 calories
• Day 4: 1, 300 calories
• Day 5: 1, 300 calories
• Day 6: 1, 800 calories
• Day 7: 1, 300 calories

You will have had two days to enjoy a larger meal, but chances are you will lose just as much weight as you would if “dieted hard" for the whole week. That’s because having an occasional “cheat meal" tricks your basal metabolism into burning the same amount of calories as before you started the diet. You can sabotage your diet by eating too much, if you “cheat" each and every day. But as long as you take an occasional day off from dieting, about twice a week, you keep losing weight.

The good news about how to lose baby fat is that your hormones will do most of the work for you. The even better knew about how to lose baby fat is that you get better ideas if you take a relaxed approach to your weight loss. You can enjoy eating more while losing more pounds that stay off for good.

Selena Tanner is a fitness enthusiast who enjoys helping and teaching others how to lose weight after pregnancy on her site ab exercises for women. com. For more great advice and lose pregnancy fat tips visit her How to Lose Baby Weight page.

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