How to Lose 20 Lbs in a Month – 3 Tips

How to Lose 20 Lbs in a Month – 3 Tips

Many people nowadays are very much conscious about their own health and fitness.
A lean and fit body is a dream for many.

So how is it possible to lose those extra pounds then, and keep a lean and beautiful body?

A recommendation is to adapt a combination of the right food to eat, together with some regular exercising.

But exercising itself is not the only way to shed unwanted pounds. The food you eat is very important as well. You don’t have to focus totally on exercising if you want to get rid of those extra pounds.

A good diet plan should have food from all the food groups. For example carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Much of this can be found oats, rice, potatoes vegetables fruits and cereals. Other choices could also be fish and lean chicken. Try to avoid red meat here.

Below you can find 3 tips to follow if you want to lose unwanted fat successfully.

1 . Have three small meals and two snacks everyday instead of one or two large meals.

By eating smaller meals more often, you will also help increase your body’s fat burning metabolism,
which also helps you lose weight. Here you should try to eat with 2 – 3 hours between every meal,
as well as choose fiber rich foods that keeps you full for a longer time.

Fruit and vegetables are also great as snacks between your meals if you would get hungry.

2 . Try not to eat 3 hours or more before bedtime.

Though this can be hard at first, you will soon get used to your new habits. This is also why it’s important
to choose fiber-rich foods that keeps you full for a longer time. If you still would get hungry, choose fruits
or vegetables as snacks instead of sandwiches cookies, or goodies.

3. Have pasta as a fast food choice.

Preparing pasta doesn’t take more then 10-12 minutes, and can be a great fast food choice. Here you could for example have different pasta meals or salads which won’t add a lot of excess fat to your body.

By losing those extra pounds, you won’t just decrease the risk of developing cancer and other health diseases, but you will also face a future with a more lean and fit body, and a healthier you!

Learn How I Lost 20 Pounds and how you can solve your weight loss problems today as well.

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