How To Increase Weight Healthily

How To Increase Weight Healthily
Everywhere you look, there will be products and services that claim to help people to lose weight. Yes, obesity is a real problem in most developed countries and is a genuine concern for the health care authorities.

However , our focus on obesity leads us to forget about a group of underweight people who are largely ignored by the mainstream. The high prevalence of obesity and overweight problems cause this group of people is conveniently forgotten.

Yes, obesity is the cause of many health problems, but being underweight also has its medical and health risks such as cardiac diseases, certain types of cancer, erectile dysfunction and as for the more elderly, osteoporosis and hip fractures. Underweight people are also not perceived to look great aesthetically because of their frail body frame and many are even victims of bullies in schools or at work.

If you are thin and skinny all your life, you most likely will wish that you can put on more weight on your body frame. You may have tried many ways to gain weight but without success and may have given up. Don’t. Thin people can and do gain weight.

One thing you should not do to put on more weight is to increase your consumption of junk foods because it is a very unhealthy way to put on weight. Most junk foods contain loads of trans fats, saturated fats and refined sugar, all of which are very unhealthy and can cause you serious medical problems in the long run.

Although you need to increase your calorie consumption in order to put on more weight, get them from healthy fats such as omega-3 essential fatty acids which are abundant in cold water fishes like tuna and salmon. You also need to consume good proteins to buff up your muscles and you can get them from lean meats, fish, poultry, legumes, nuts and seeds. Good carbohydrate sources include vegetables, whole grains and fruits.

If necessary, supplement your protein intake with protein shakes for extra good calories. A good quality multivitamin and mineral supplement is also a good idea to make sure that you are getting all of the necessary vitamins and minerals to help you to put on more weight.

Then start a weight resistant exercise program to help you put on muscular weight. When you lift weights, you are forcing your body to grow and that will mean that you will get heavier because muscles are a lot heavier than body fat. However , many people lift weights in the wrong manner or chose the wrong exercises and thus failed in gaining muscle mass.

So do some research for a good bodybuilding program to help you to get results faster and safely. If you can afford it, it is a good idea to hire a personal trainer who is experienced in helping people to increase their muscle weight. You will get results much faster this way because a good trainer will be able to guide you professionally to achieve your goals quickly and effectively.

Yes, short of having some underlying medical conditions, you can gain weight even if you have been thin and scrawny all your life. So just do it.

Chris Chew is a fitness and health consultant. If you are serious about increasing your weight, then read How to gain weight fast and How to build muscles

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