How to Get Slimmer Thinner Thighs

How to Get Slimmer Thinner Thighs

I’m often asked by women ‘how can I get rid of my thigh fat and get slimmer thinner thighs? ‘ And ‘what are the best exercises to tone my inner and outer thighs? ‘

You see while there is no single exercise that can make the fat on one area of your body go away – using a combined effort of cutting out unhealthy processed foods and doing the BEST full body exercises that use the most muscle in your lower body – you absolutely can remove the fat from your thighs and accelerate your thinner thighs results.

You’ve probably heard before that full body exercises are best, but it’s true as they use the most muscle, therefore burn the most calories, tone and define more muscle in less time and boost your metabolism so you can have a great lower body for your shorts or summer dress.

That’s why My List of the Best Exercises for thinner thighs and overall fat loss must include: –

Lunges & Squats

To achieve thinner thighs you must use more of these two exercises.

“But my thighs get Big and Bulky when I do squats"

I’m sorry to say but if you feel your thighs are getting big and bulky then you are probably carrying excess fat around your thighs and not following your supportive nutrition plan. If you follow a full body resistance program while cutting out all the foods you know you should, your body will have no choice but to burn more fat and make you lose inches. Muscle actually takes up less space than fat as it’s more compact.

And forget about lifting lighter weights, these weights will not challenge your body, heavier weights makes you stronger and challenges your muscles giving you a metabolism boost, burn more calories and accelerate your thinner thigh results.

Here’s a Thinner Thigh Circuit you can do to accelerate your results.

All you need is some dumbbells and 10 minutes.

Sumo Squats
Reverse Lunges
Romanian Deadlift
Bulgarian Split Squat

Do 8 repetitions on each exercise resting as little as possible between each exercise. Once you’ve done the 4 exercises then rest about 60 seconds and then repeat another 1-2 times.

Make sure you:

– Follow regular workouts
– Challenge yourself in each and every workout
– Make sure your program has variety and change your plan every few weeks
– Follow a supportive nutrition plan to get rid of excess fat

If you do this then you will see and feel a noticeable difference in your thighs within weeks.

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