How to Get Muscular Without the Use of Steroids

How to Get Muscular Without the Use of Steroids

Many bodybuilders want to get massive because it is a signature of successful bodybuilding. If you are not fully aware of the procedures needed to be followed in order to get massive you will end up spending a lot of time in the gym. That is the reason why many bodybuilders end up using steroids. They hope that when they use steroids they will be able to increase there muscle mass fast.

However what some of them are not aware is that when they use steroids they will experience the following side effects; enlargement of the clitoris, shrinking testicles, low libido, low sperm count, impotence in men, loss of hair, growth of facial hair in women, coarse voice in women, irregularity in there menstrual cycle, increase in aggression, heart problems, liver conditions, kidney problems and sleeping disorders. If you want to increase your body mass and stay healthy avoid the use of steroids.

The first thing to do in order to increase your body mass is to ensure that you don’t use weights which you can lift for more than ten reps. if you want to increase your body mass rapidly, the weight you use should be hard. If you are able to reach ten reps with the weight you are lifting then this means that it is not heavy enough. You should use heavy weights with fewer reps if you want to increase your body mass rapidly.

You also need to ensure that you lift explosively. This is also another very important factor to consider if you want to increase your body mass rapidly. In fact 70 percent of your lifts should be explosive and then slow down your pace with time.

You are also supposed to take plenty of calories. The secret to gaining body mass will depend on the amount of calories you take daily. Your daily intake should be more than the calories you burn daily if you want to gain body mass. The best source of calories is carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins. You need to ensure that the mass you gain comprises of muscles and not body fat. This is because when you increase your body fat you will end up losing your body shape. Therefore you need to ensure your body mass increase comprises primarily of muscle tissues. The building blocks of muscles are proteins and therefore your diet should comprise mostly of proteins.

If you want to become massive you need to avoid doing prolonged cardio vascular exercises. When undertaking cardio vascular exercises they should not last for more than 30 minutes. If they do then you will be promoting catabolism. Aerobic exercises have there health benefits and as such should not be avoided in there totality. If you want to counter the effects of catabolism as a result of aerobic exercises you should ensure that the aerobics sessions are intense but short and last for about twenty minutes maximum.

You should also rest in between workouts if you want to increase your body mass. Resting helps counter the effects of catabolism in the body.

Dane Fletcher is the world’s most prolific bodybuilding and fitness expert and is currently the executive editor for BodybuildingToday. com. If you are looking for more bodybuilding tips or information on weight training, or supplementation, please visit, the bodybuilding and fitness authority site with hundreds of articles available FREE to help you meet your goals.

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