How to drive more safely

how to lose weight safely

How to drive more safely

Ever wondered what’s the safest way to drive safely? If it’s to slow down and drive below the speed limit, to leave plenty of gaps between you and the car in front or to never drive when it’s dark? Well, if you do want to know ways to drive more carefully, read on as there are plenty of ways to become a safer driver without actually parking your car.

The first thing you should do is to start using the horn correctly. Usually we honk the horn to show our displeasure with someone else’s driving but what you should do is use it as a warning to tell others that you’re nearby. So next time you arrive at a blind crest or a tight bend with poor visibility, try honking your horn!

The second thing you should do is to take an eye-test. Racing drivers have to take them every 2 years and we’re probably on the roads more than they are so make sure you see properly and if not, get some glasses. The eyes are important tools when driving. But so are your ears. If you wind down your window at an awkward drive or t-junction you might actually hear possible traffic coming your way.

Other things to consider are how you park your car. It’s safer to park with your back end first as you’ve got better visibility when you leave. So next time you visit that Mitsubishi dealer, Middlesex, don’t be a ‘nosy parker’ but go rear end first. You should also drive with lights on during the day as lights make a car more visible to others. Also make sure to use your mirrors correctly, check your blind spot and be vigilant when driving in built up areas.

Follow these simple tips and you should stay safe when out on the roads.

Amy Sawyer is an online marketing executive currently researching Mitsubishi dealer in Middlesex .

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