How to Decrease Your Appetite Without Drugs

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How to Decrease Your Appetite Without Drugs

Contrary to popular belief, there are methods that teach you how to decrease appetite without the use of chemical appetite suppressants and stimulants. One of the easiest ways is to choose foods that leave you feeling satisfied. Foods with a high satiety level include meat, seafood and dairy products.

Foods like eggs, green leafy vegetables and breads have a much lower satiety level and are likely to leave you feeling hungry sooner. Naturally you can’t exist on meat and dairy alone, so common sense dictates a healthy balance of the two.

A good indicator for how to decrease appetite is to monitor portion size. The human stomach is really no bigger than a large pear and to fill it sufficiently you need no more than two fist sized equal portions of meat and vegetables. Over-eating is the biggest culprit in weight gain as it also stretches the stomach, giving one the ability to eat even larger portions.

Small regular meals are another tip on how to decrease appetite. Think about it, in nature it is the graceful and slim gazelle who grazes all day and it is the big bulky bear that gorges itself and then doesn’t eat again for days. This is one of the best pieces of advice that I can give you on how to decrease appetite. Eat small meals often.

Another tip on how to decrease appetite is to avoid alcohol. Much as you might enjoy that beer or that flavourful glass of red wine, alcohol can trick the body into a sense of false hunger, encouraging us to eat when we are not really hungry. Most alcoholic beverages are also metabolised into sugar, which assists with weight gain. You can also avoid drinking too much water with your meals as it gives a false sense of having eaten enough, but water is very quickly absorbed in the digestive tract.

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