How Steroids Affect Children

How Steroids Affect Children

You will be surprised to learn that there are parents out there who give there children steroids. This just takes bad parenting to another dimension, when you give your child steroids this is tantamount to child abuse. I mean what kind of a parent would recommend steroids for her child simply because they are overweight. Such parents even have the audacity to use fitness as an excuse of giving there children this drugs. For those parents who are not aware of the risks associated with steroid taking, ignorance is no excuse when it comes to endangering the health of your child.

If your child is fat this could be as a result of baby fat you need to give the child a chance to grow because most of them end up losing some of this baby fat when they hit puberty. For those parents who are not aware of the risks they are exposing there children to, below is a list of some of them.

Steroids can lead to stunted growth in children. If a child uses steroids before the bones have fully developed this could lead to a poor body physique. This is due to the fact that some bones are growing while others are stunted hence the body becomes very disproportional. This can affect the life of the child especially when there age mates start teasing them, we all know just how kids are mean.

Steroids can also affect there brains since they cause hormonal imbalance in the body. The brain of a child is very delicate and as such extra care should be taken when you are raising them. Steroids have very adverse effects even on an infant especially when the pregnant mother is still using them. This could lead to early labor and sometimes the child could be born mentally incapacitated.

When a parent gives her child these steroids it could make them suffer mood swings and even get depression at a very tender age. This is not fare for any kid because this is the point in life where they are supposed to live care free life and discover themselves.

These steroids are also very harmful to other body organs such as the liver. Normally the liver is overworked when it tries to breakdown these steroids into simpler substances which can be eliminated from the body. The overworking of the liver in turn leads to liver malfunctions which are also life threatening to the child.

These steroids are also very toxic to the kidneys and they could result to the child suffering from kidney failures. These steroids also pose a threat to the heart of the child. This is because when these steroids are introduced into the blood stream they lead to the thickening of the blood which could cause heart attacks and also high blood pressure.

Therefore awareness should be spread in the society about the dangers involved in using these steroids especially when you are pregnant and also the dangers of giving these drugs to a child.

Dane Fletcher is the world-wide authority on training, nutrition, and supplements. To build muscle fast, he recommends the world class steroid alternatives from GetAnabolics. com instead of illegal anabolics


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