How Not to Lose Weight

How Not to Lose Weight

These are the 10 things that are keeping you fat:

(1) Crash Dieting
When you crash diet, you may lose some weight quickly. You are actually losing water. If you continue, your metabolism will slow down and not burn calorie as efficiently. In addition , you get so hungry, your start binging.

(2) You eat everything on your plate
The larger the plate, the more you will fill it up, the more you will eat. If you use a 9″ plate, you can eat everything on the plate and still limit your calorie intake.

(3) You Eat Fast
It takes 20 minutes for the brain to tell your stomach it’s full. By that time you’ve already overeaten. Chew your food 25 times. Put your fork down between bites.

(4) You Eat Standing Up
When you eat standing up, you have no idea how much you’re eating. Put your food on a small plate and sit down.

(5) When you think you’re hungry, you eat
Sometimes when you feel hungry, you’re actually thirsty. Drink a bottle of water or a diet soda and wait 30 minutes. If you are still hungry… eat

(6) You Don’t Eat Breakfast
When you don’t eat breakfast, your blood sugar falls mid-morning and you’ll probably overeat the rest of the day. The breakfast is the best way to kick start your metabolism and burn more calories.

(7) You Eat 3 Meals a Day
When you eat 3 meals a day, you tend to overeat. Three smaller meals and 3 snacks a day will keep your metabolism high and you will burn more calories. And by snacks, I don’t mean potato chips or candy. A few nuts, fruit or a small cube of cheese will do it.

(8) You Snack in the Evening
Eating high calorie foods is a weight-gain guarantee. If you must snack, eat fat-free popcorn. Or one of the 100-calorie snack packs.

(9) You Don’t Allow Yourself Treats
Allow yourself one tiny, tiny treat a day. Buy expensive chocolate and allow yourself one cube. Because it’s expensive, you’re less likely to eat the whole bar. Or a thin sliver of cake. Savor every bit. By allowing yourself one small treat a day, you won’t. feel deprived.

(10) You Don’t Exercise
The formula for losing weight is simple: calories in; calories out. By doing moderate exercise you burn more calories because you have your metabolism in high gear. Exercise could be parking further from the store; taking the stairs instead of the elevator; a brisk walk for just 15 minutes.

So there you have it… 10 of the worst ways to try to lose weight.

Some of it will need restraint. After all, you’re changing your eating patterns for life, not dieting any longer. With patience and practice you will lose weight and keep it off. And isn’t that the goal?

Jo McNamara knows what it’s like to be overweight. At one time she weighed 200 pounds. By not dieting and changing her attitude to developing an eating pattern for life, Jo lost 75 pounds and at no time did she feel deprived.

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