How Natural Colon Cleansers Can Benefit When You Are Frequently Constipated

How Natural Colon Cleansers Can Benefit When You Are Frequently Constipated

A colon cleanse is one way of eliminating much of the waste products which may be slow to flow through your colon. Too many people think having a bowel movement fewer than three times a week is just about normal. But , this is precisely what most medical doctors call constipation.

Let’s Obtain the Truth About Constipation

The foods you consume are broken down into fine particles that permit the small intestine to absorb as much of the nutrition as possible. This process begins in the mouth as you chew food. The acids in your stomach continue to break down food into tiny particles.

Nutrients are extracted as the mashed up particles of food travel throughout the small intestine.

What’s left of the food now enters the colon. The job of the colon or large intestine is primarily to remove water. Muscular contractions over the length of the colon work to push the waste products in the direction of the rectum. When the stool reaches the rectum it should be solid.

If the muscles around the colon are not strong enough or are working too slowly the stool is not going to move rapidly enough toward the rectum resulting in a backlog of waste products. Sometimes the colon can extract too much water from the stool which also causes the stool to move too slowly through the colon.

Predictable Causes of Constipation

There are a variety of situations that can result in constipation. Among these are:

– changes in life or routine like pregnancy, aging, and travel

– abuse of laxatives

– ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement

– dehydration

– insufficient dietary fiber

– a sedentary lifestyle (particularly among the elderly)

– certain medications

– milk allergies

– irritable bowel syndrome

– illnesses or conditions, such as a stroke

– medical problems involving the colon or rectum

– problems with intestinal function (chronic idiopathic constipation)

While you are constipated, the waste matter remains inside your colon too long which can cause numerous problems. Many people strain too hard to force a bowel movement. This is a leading cause of hemorrhoids. Hard stool may grow to a sizable radius and strain tissues to cause rectal bleeding. And, hard stool may so pack the colon that normal pushing will not cause a bowel movement. In this case, a stool softener is usually required to permit the stool to be eliminated.

Here is How to Clean Out Your Colon

Many natural colon cleansers are available clean out your colon as well as help a constipated colon return to normal functioning. By taking an oral combination of ingredients you can frequently restore normal functioning to the colon. Other times a colonic might be required to flush the contents of the colon out so it can start functioning normally again.

After the colon is free and able to function normally, it is up to you to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle to keep the colon in optimum health.

How to Keep Your Colon Functioning Normally

You will need to steer clear of those actions that trigger constipation. As an alternative, eat healthy, nutritious foods, including plenty of vegetables and fruits. Manufactured and processed foods have most of their nutrients and fiber removed. You’ll really need to avoid such foods. You might have to take some fiber supplements to ensure you receive an adequate amount of fiber. Get plenty of exercise to keep your entire body healthy.

Your colon health is a reflection of your overall health. Keep active, eat right and your colon will function normally.

If you suffer from any digestive or intestinal problems, it may be time to detox your colon by using on of the many natural colon cleansers . You will feel better and more energetic.

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