How Much Weight Can I Lose Safely?

How Much Weight Can I Lose Safely?

When it comes to the subject of weight loss, there are so many different theories that one would need to be a Solomon to choose the correct one. There are all kinds of fad diets that spring up every year — each one promising to be better than last year’s. However , they often do not do what they promise, and in some cases, they actually cause harm.

When one is extremely overweight or obese, it is often necessary to lose some weight quickly. However , in most cases, rapid weight loss is not conducive to good health. When one starts a diet initially, the weight will seem to come off quite easily, but this happens only for a short while and then disappointment sets in. All health professionals agree that losing weight safely means a slow, steady, loss of up to two and one-half pounds per week.

To some people, that would seem to be very slow, but over the course of a month — the overall weight loss could be up to ten pounds. That means, for women — a full dress size, and that in itself is motivating for most people. If we are to take the word ‘safely’ as our watchword, we must forget our ideas of rapid and extreme weight loss. Losing too much weight too quickly can do damage to our internal organs and even our skin. There is nothing more unpleasant to look at than hanging flesh.

So how much weight can one really expect to lose safely? As mentioned above, it is deemed safe to lose up to two and one-half pounds per week. This can be done by removing things such as sodas, which are full of empty calories and sugar, and pastries from your daily intake. More fruits should be eaten in their natural state — not covered in sugar. This way, the natural fruit flavor can be enjoyed. It would also be a good idea to increase your intake of vegetables as well.

Water is very important in safe weight loss. A full glass every few hours helps to keep hunger at bay, and it hydrates the body. Anything that can be done to keep your mind off from food should be tried, especially if you are prone to strong hunger cravings.

Make a game out of safe weight loss, and set little goals that can easily be accomplished. That way you will see results more often, and this also helps psychologically.

Depending on how much you have to lose, plan on going slowly and changing your eating habits by degrees. That way you will be on the healthy road to safe weight loss. Adding exercise to your daily routine will also move the process along. A good walk in the morning, or on your lunch hour, will help kick start your metabolism and the results will soon be noticeable, giving you the motivation to continue until you have reached your desired weight.

Ryan Edward has reviewed all of the top weight loss diets that are available on the Internet and shares his reviews at his website. To learn how you can begin to quickly start losing weight by following one of these top systems, please visit his website now:

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