How Long Does it Take to Get Over a Breakup?

How Long Does it Take to Get Over a Breakup?

When a breakup happens, you will always have to go through a healing period to help you get over the pain, no matter how long or how short a relationship has been. You have to focus on what you’re going to do next after the relationship has ended.

Some people are happy to have their relationships end because they can be free now to pursue other people. Other people are sad because they were making long term plans with the person they were with and got a monkey wrench thrown into it. There are several factors involved that’ll help you determine how long it might take to move on after a breakup though.

The most important thing you have to consider is the length of the relationship. If you had a relationship that lasted for years then it may take you years possibly to get over it. Some people will move on sooner, but if the feelings were genuine then you can’t get rid of those feelings overnight. If the relationship ended really badly you may not be able to move on until you get some kind of closure from the other person. If your relationship was just one long drawn out date then you’ll be able to move on much faster because your emotions were not as invested.

Sometimes getting over a breakup requires you to slowly accept the reality that it’s over. This reality may come to you slowly at first, but once you accept it you can begin the moving on process. Take it slow; do not be in a hurry to get over your ex. You did enjoy a lot of good times with the person and those good memories are something most people will cherish. Of course some may argue that the best way to get over these memories is to create new memories with other people. But you don’t want to use someone else as a crutch to getting over someone else. This would be unfair to the new person you get involved with.

The best way to know how long it is going to take you to get over a breakup is for you to go back on the dating scene and see if anyone else captures your eye. If you can see yourself being with someone else, then this is a good sign that you’re ready to move on.

The final step will be you officially getting involved with another man and putting the past behind you. But make sure you’ve completely moved on from your other relationship otherwise you won’t be giving the other person your full attention and this can sabotage your future relationship.

How long can it take you to get over your relationship? It can take a few days, it can take a few months or it can take a few years. If your feelings were strong for the other person then a long grace period is going to be needed in order for you to move past those feelings. It’s possible though that you may never move past the feelings you used to, but what you can do is give the next person that comes into your life all of you and not just the part that’s left after a bad breakup.

Brian Hendrick has been helping men and women with relationship problems for several years and has helped thousands of couples resolve many tough issues.

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