How I Lose Weight Fast With These 3 Simple Steps

How I Lose Weight Fast With These 3 Simple Steps

If you are looking for a way to lose weight fast then there is a short disclaimer that I must add. By losing weight quickly, I want to say that you can do things now which will allow you to gain control of your lifestyle as well as your overall eating habits.

If you can do this in a relatively short period of time and sustain those new habits, then you will have a much better shot at getting where you want to lose weight and keeping it off as well.

1 . Cut out the fast food

You must do this and you must do this now. 3, 500 calories will equal a pound. So , if you can cut out 3, 500 calories per week (or 500 calories per day) then you are already going to lose a pound. Likewise, adding 500 calories per day will effectively make you gain a pound.

How does this relate to fast food? While every restaurant may vary, a big mac at McDonalds is close to 600 calories, A four piece of mcnuggets and a small fry with a drink is over 500 calories, and a cheeseburger happy meal with a side of fries and a small chocolate milk is 700 calories. That’s just a few items that young adults and children will eat; imagine how much you can put into your system.

2 . Drink water

Don’t just have it as a substitute for all of your soft drinks, have it by itself throughout the day so you can stay hydrated. Assuming you have 5 drinks per day (which is average at one for lunch, one in the early afternoon, two for around dinner time and one later with a snack or before you go to sleep), then just by switching your soft drinks for water you can save close to 500 calories per day! (5 cans of Pepsi at 100 calories per can roughly). That’s a pound per week in diet loss if you keep everything else the same but just stop drinking your soda pop!

3. Up your activity levels

Maybe you can’t just cut everything out of your diet to lose weight as fast as you would like to, but if you can burn an extra hundred calories per day (or a few hundred), then when you combine that with the calories you have cut back on, you will actually see the fat just coming right off of you!

It might not seem like the easiest process in the world, but you will definitely see the results fast. Plus, as you keep upping your exercise and start to grow more muscle in your body, your metabolism will continue to be more active and you will burn more calories naturally as well.

Overall, it might not be the best idea for you to try and expect supernatural results in a short period of time. Dieting and proper nutrition as well as a significantly stable amount of exercise are the best ways to get your body and weight under control. However , if you find yourself needing to lose a little bit of weight extremely fast, then try these methods out first and you will see the results with these 3 simple steps fairly quickly.

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