How Did Beyonce Lose 20 Pounds in Just 10 Days?

How Did Beyonce Lose 20 Pounds in Just 10 Days?

The answer is the Lemonade diet. Yes, the master cleanse diet has become so popular that even the celebrities have taken to it to lose weight quickly. This diet is a detox diet which gives an outcome of reduced weight because of the stringent procedure one has to stick to while on the diet. This diet has been in existence since the past six decades and has been created by Stanley Burroughs which made use of very easy to find and simple ingredients like maple syrup, lemons and cayenne pepper. From then on the diet has been in demand and has been helpful in improving the health of the users significantly.

This diet is a natural system which helps the body to detox as well as lose weight. But the only hitch with the diet is that one has to strictly avoid any kind of solid foods during the diet period and have to live only on liquid diet for the entire span of ten days. So , instead of directly embarking on a ten day diet, one can go in for a short period of three to five day fast and then see if they are able to sustain during that period. The body will get tuned to this kind of fasting and going on a ten day fast will not be difficult.

Beyonce too had to lose some weight to look the character that she was portraying in the film “Dreamgirls". The character looks svelte and hence she too had to somehow lose that extra weight and she has with the help of her nutritionist zeroed down on the master cleanse diet. She had admitted that the ten day period was a difficult one but the thought that she would get the desired figure was the main motivating factor for her to carry out the stringent diet. The results of the diet are there for everyone to witness in the film itself. She had also admitted on the Oprah Winfrey show regarding her personal experiences with the lemonade diet. Just a comparison of the pictures before and after the diet one can believe that it is the diet that has brought about the stunning look.

Master Cleanse is the best Detox Diet and can help you lose up to 20 pounds in merely 10 days! Look younger, ease chronic pain, cleanse your body of internal waste, and boost your energy levels in 10 days!

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