How Can I Lose Weight Quickly

How Can I Lose Weight Quickly

Do you want to slim down fast for that beach vacation or high school reunion? While there are many things you can do to shed pounds, losing weight too quickly, like any sudden change to your body, can be dangerous. While fad diets, diet pills, and fasting may indeed induce rapid weight loss, these methods can cause you to get gallstones, start losing muscle and hair and may also injure your heart and other organs fairly quickly.

Most likely though, it is because you find it hard to maintain a long-term diet and exercise plan, so it seems easier to go on a crash diet whenever you find your clothes getting too tight. The best solution? Don’t go for an overnight miracle. Instead, follow these steps to lose weight rapidly, healthily, and sustainably.

The good news about the diet tips enclosed are they do not involve starving yourself, or using fad diets that can actually be bad for your long term health.

1 . Set Clear Goals – Set clear and specific dates of when you need to achieve your goal. Make a bet with a friend or family member that you will lose xx pounds by a certain date and that you will pay him $ 100 if you don’t. Working out will suddenly seem a lot easier to you.

2 . Water – Drink plenty of water. Adequate water is essential for health, and a great many people simply don’t get enough. What’s more, if you’re chronically dehydrated, your body will retain water in unflattering places, so if you make sure to get plenty of fluids you can start visibly trimming down in as little as a day. Remember, the more you exercise, the more water you’ll need. Drink one glass of water before your meal; it will help digestion and also to get the sensation of fullness in your stomach that will keep you from overeating; that in combination with eating slowly, will allow you to stop eating when you are satisfied, not when you already ate too much (If you eat too fast you can get full, even bloated but still be hungry).

3. Diet – The thing to remember when choosing a diet is to choose one you can stay on for a longer term if you have more than a couple pounds to lose. Look for flavor, variety, and ease of food preparation. Make sure the diet has solid success stories from people like you. Eat 6 healthy mini meals a day to keep your stomach satisfied. The key here is eat in controlled portions and never go for that second serve or a super size meal. Stick to the 1 plate rule to keep your calorie intake at bay.

4. Excerise – You need to incorporate as much activity into your day as you possibly can. Activity will burn calories, the more you do, the more you burn! So , if you¡¯re looking to lose weight fast, you¡¯re going to need to burn off some of those excess calories through additional exercise and activity.

Follow these proven steps for a few weeks and you will definitely be several pounds lighter. More importantly, your metabolism, muscle mass, and overall health won’t be affected.

The thing is, when it comes to quick weight loss, most people do it wrong and end up hurting their health and/or long term fitness success. The human body has several built-in defence mechanisms designed to protect its vital organs when it senses that it’s losing weight too quickly.

Once these mechanisms kick in, not only does the weight loss slow – or even stop completely – but it can actually damage your metabolism in a way that hurts your chances of long-term weight loss and health. If you’re trying to lose weight quickly, make sure you don’t do anything stupid like starving yourself or even drastically cutting your calories for more than a day or two (healthy, planned juice fasts are an exception).

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