HGH vs Steroids – How to Regain Your Youth

HGH vs Steroids – How to Regain Your Youth

HGH and steroids are often confused to be one and the same thing. The only thing common among them is that both of them naturally occur in your body. Besides this, there is hardly anything common among them.

The major difference between the two lies in their side effects.

Steroid abuse can produce some very serious side effects.

They can lead to erectile problems in men. Not only this, they can also lead to a reduced sperm count, shrinkage of testicles, development of breasts in men etc .,

As far as women are concerned, steroids can lead to growth of facial hair, deepening of voice, breast reduction etc .,

While in both men and women, they can lead to acne, bloated appearance, weight gain, liver damage, premature heart strokes etc .,

HGH or the other hand, can be completely safe when taken in the proper form. HGH injections or shots can produce side effects that can even be fatal. Any synthetic hormone being injected in your body can create complications.

However , HGH supplements or Releasers Pills are safe and devoid of side effects. In fact , they are a major breakthrough in anti aging technology. Such supplements are safe because they do not comprise any synthetic hormone in them. They are a mix of amino acids and other natural ingredients that make your pituitary gland produce more of its own HGH. This way your body gets more HGH through the glandular system in exactly the same way it did during your growing years.

Some of the benefits of such supplements include increased energy and stamina, better lung and heart function, equalized blood pressure and sugar, improved cholesterol profile increased lean muscle, reduced body fat, improved memory, reduced wrinkles and younger looking skin, better sleep and mood levels etc .,

Though there are many HGH supplements, the best ones include more than 1000mg of amino acids per serving.

Not only this, they also clearly state their ingredients unlike most other that state the ingredients as a proprietary blend.

Some of the ingredients in such supplements include l-arginine, l-valine, l-glutamine, l-tyrosine, gaba, rhodiala rosea, aplpha GPC etc .,

Not only this, such supplements also contain Bioperine to ensure very fast results. Such a supplement can make you look and feel younger within 2-3 weeks. However , for best results you must have it for at least 3-6 months.

So , If You Want to Regain Your Youth and Look and Feel Like 20 Again, Check out the Best HGH Pill that has set a New Standard in Anti Aging.

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