Help! I Want to Lose Weight – Get Rid of Belly Fat

i want to lose weight

Help! I Want to Lose Weight – Get Rid of Belly Fat

“Help I want to lose weight", is what I overheard a particularly chubby girl say the other day, when I was walking down the street. I couldn’t help but overhear the conversation she was having with her friends, they were so loud. I wanted to go out and help her, but I knew my gesture wouldn’t be appreciated. But I’m hoping that she stumbles across this article.

If you are like that girl who cried out “Help I want to lose weight", the other day, and want to lose fat from your belly area, then you’ve come to the right place. I’m going to give you some great advice on the subject.

Step One: Exercising Smart

A lot of people who want to lose weight, do cardio regularly and that is quite admirable. But what they don’t realize is, while cardio is great for weight loss, it doesn’t work so well if you want to lose fat from your belly. If “Help I want to lose weight", is on your lips at all times, then I suggest that you combine cardio with a liberal dose of resistance training to it.

Don’t believe me, I’m actually telling you something that was published in a 2006 edition of International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. They say that combining cardio with resistance training is great for losing fat from the abs!

Step Two: Food Habits

You hear a lot of people saying, I need help, I want to lose weight and in their desperation, they end up starving themselves and end up totally miserable. The key point to remember here is, you don’t need to do anything of that sort. You have to reduce your caloric intake slightly, not drastically!

Moreover, you have to eat smart. For example , avoid foods with trans fat, like pork, margarine etc . They result in fat deposition on the abdomen.

Step Three: Stay focused

A lot of people who say “Help I want to lose weight", aren’t too motivated after they have an unrewarding first month, working out like fiends. They give up. But please don’t go their way and make that mistake. It is not going to get you anywhere. You have to keep in mind that it is a time taking process, but ultimately, the results are worth it.

I’ve been through the “Help, I want to lose weight" phase too, it was hard at first, but I managed to stick around to finish the job I had started, so you can do it too.

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