Healthy Weight Loss How To Lower Your Weight Safely

Healthy Weight Loss How To Lower Your Weight Safely

I think that anyone is aware of how the weight increase problem is very popular especially in the civilized countries. The more our life become comfortable the more we get fatter and more people complain of the overweight problem. If someone have a car that he drive to his work, sit down on the chair working on a computer, eat fast meals, go back home with his car, watch TV and drink high calories drinks this is very enough to make him overweight.

I have read that about 60 million people in America suffer from this problem. This is getting more and more popular in other countries but now America has the highest percent of overweight people in the world, as I remember if the stats didn’t change. I think we should do something serious about this problem.

To be honest with you the word overweight is not accurate. Athletes who have big muscles are overweight according to the body mass index. So what is important is not being overweight or not but to have a high percent of fat in your body. That’s why weight loss experts tend to not use body mass index or just the body weight to determine if someone is overweight or not.

Another thing I want to make it clear in your mind is that not all people can lose fat just by some diet changes or exercising every day. Some people have slow metabolism and inherited overweight problem, in this case losing weight is not simple as it may look.

Losing weight is not just about having a fat burning diet or exercising or even both for some time till you lose some weight then fall back to the start point, but it about changing your life style till the last day in your life. I think that this is the only guarantee that you will lose weight and keep it off. Don’t think that this is hard, yes it may be hard in the first few days, weeks or month but finally you will get used to the new life style and you will find it hard to change it.

If you can afford it then it is very advisable to find a good dietician and fitness trainer to help you out. But in case you can’t do so you can do it yourself. For your diet take a week to calculate your calories intake for a week then cut about 500 calories from your calories intake per day, after few weeks if no change cut more 500 calories and so on. For exercise just choose the exercise that you think that you will be able to do it regularly.

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