Healthy Fasting – Intermittent Fasting to Lose Fat and Gain Health

fasting to lose weight

Healthy Fasting – Intermittent Fasting to Lose Fat and Gain Health

Healthy fasting is not only possible, the benefits are so desirable that most people should seriously consider trying it whether they want to lose fat or not.

Please put aside all fears about extreme deprivation, muscle wasting and general metabolic ruin. In well-conducted study after study, fasting has been shown to be very healthy and safe. The key is to do it intermittently.

Intermittent fasting is not eating for a period of time that is longer than the typical sleeping fast (the hours between going to sleep and the first food/meal eaten after awakening). With intermittent fasting the non-eating period is usually between 16 and 36 hours depending on the protocol a person wishes to follow. This can be done once a week, 2 or more times a week or even on alternate days. Non-caloric beverages may be consumed during the fast, but that’s it.

Intermittent fasting is quickly becoming a buzzword in the fat loss and fitness world. Deservedly so , because the health benefits are numerous. Some of the benefits will be experienced during your first fast, others will develop after you’ve done a few

Immediate Benefits Include:

increase in growth hormone levels (often referred to as the ‘youth hormone’)
decreased insulin levels
increased epinephrine and norepinephrine (responsible for making us feel alert)
increased fat burning (as long as a bit of resistance exercise is performed a few times a week, the weight loss will be fat and maybe a bit of water – you will NOT lose muscle)

Benefits Experienced Immediately OR After a Few Fasts Include:

increased mental clarity and stamina (many intermittent fasters find that they are *more* productive on fasting days)
increased energy (blood sugar does NOT dip too low during short term fasts. This has been tested thoroughly. Light-headedness, if you experience it, doesn’t last, particularly after a few fasts, as long as you make sure you’re drinking enough).
reduction or elimination of hunger during fasting (strange but true! )
general sense of well being
awareness of eating habits and food choices (you’ll learn a LOT about your eating patterns when you aren’t eating. It’s amazing how what and when we eat and our feelings of hunger can come from years of training our bodies to expect to be fed, rather than a true biological need to eat every few hours).
improvement in heart health (research is still being done on this)

Most people who are curious about fasting want to lose fat. Healthy fasting in this way – intermittently – is a VERY efficient way to do just that. For example , if you do two 24-hour fasts a week, you can lose the same amount of fat (or more) as you would in one week on a more traditional diet where you eat less every day.

On non-fasting days you eat normally. This is something that may require some thought and care. Non-fasting days are not pig-out days. For best results you should eat enough on non-fasting days to maintain your current weight. Your fasting days are your fat loss days so the rest of the week you can enjoy regular meals. Very freeing!

If you don’t need to lose fat, you can adjust your food intake accordingly on your non-fasting days. The health benefits of fasting are so good that no matter what your body composition goals are, it’s worth doing at least once a week.

How do you begin? Ideally you should get advice from someone who has studied and practiced healthy fasting in this way for a while and keeps up with the latest, most reliable research. They will help you figure out how you should begin, explain the benefits in more detail, and prepare you for the short adjustment period that some people go through when first starting.

Lillea Woodlyns has a lot of experience with healthy fasting and is happy to share resources with anyone who is interested. Write to her at or visit

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