HCG drops for weight loss

drops to lose weight

HCG drops for weight loss

HCG drop is one of the best ways to induce HCG into your diet. If you are one of those who are new to this diet, you first need to know what it is all about and how it can help you to lose weight. HCG diet was invented by Dr . Simeons who initially started by treating obese patients in Italy with the help of HCG. HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin which is a hormone that is find during pregnancy and is produced by the placenta of pregnant women. This hormone is used for weight loss and it is manufactured out of pregnant women’s urine. HCG is one of the best ways to lose weight quickly and it becomes even much easier to do with HCG diet drops. There are a lot of ways in which one can take HCG drops and one of the most common and popular form is that of HCG drops for weight loss. However , there are other ways available as well like injections, throat sprays, pellets and even nasal sprays. Initially, HCG was taken by injections but now this not used anymore because injections were painful and frustrating way to taking HCG. Therefore , Weight loss HCG drops are considered as the best way to take HCG in body because it is not a time consuming process.

As far as the diet is concerned, the whole process includes four phases and each part has its own role to play and if you skip even one part, you won’t be able to get satisfied results. The first phase is known as loading and that is the process where you need to eat a lot of fatty foods. After this comes the second phase in which one needs to take only 500 calories a day which will not be a difficult task to do because according to a lot of people who have used HCG reports that during this phase, hunger decreases a lot and one doesn’t feel hungry or don’t feel an urge to eat food which makes it easier to maintain 500 calorie diet. Third process of phase is that of maintenance in which the patient need to slowly add normal food into the diet but you need to make sure you don’t do it all at ones, this should be done slowly, however , in while adding up foods, you need to make sure you don’t add foods that have high sugar and starch levels.

Then there is last phase that includes everything you need to do after the diet course. Ones your diet course is finished, you can start your normal diet again but you need to carefully choose all the food that you want to add in your diet because you wouldn’t like to gain back lost weight by eating foods that are rich in sugar and starch. Weight loss HCG drops are very beneficial and most of the users have gained positive results out of the medication , however to maintain the lost weight you should follow healthy diet plan with regular exercise.

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